2017年3月30日 星期四

Blank Filling 06

Test 16
_l_ newspapers have in _2_ recent years reported _3_ rapid rise in a number of _5_ climbing accidents. It is not only _6_ increase in _7_ number of climbers that has led to this rise; _8_ eve n more serious factor has been _9_ failure of _10_ new generation to establish --- as their more experienced predecessors established _11_ firm tradition of _12_ good and _13_ safe behaviour on _14_ mountains.
1.The   2. X     3. a      4. the   5. X     6. the   7. the   8. an    9. the   10. the  11. A
12. X   13. X   14. the
Test 17
To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a gifts good actor; you must be able to _1_ the attention and admiration of your audience; you must be a good speaker, with a good, strong, resounding voice which is fully your control. You must be able to act _3_ you are talking in order to make its meaning clear.
A really good teacher does not sit long before his class; _4_ the whole time he is teaching, he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanation and his face to express his feelings. Listen to him and you will hear the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always change according _5_ what he is talking about.
The fact _6_ a good teacher has some of the qualities of a good actor does not mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the _7_ for there are very important differences _8_ the teacher's work and the actor’s.
1. attract    2. under     3. what      4. during   5. to     6. that 7. stage      8. between
Test 18
They decided to go _l_ the station _2_ bus instead of _3_ car. They got _4_ the bus _5_ the bus stop outside their house and got _6_ _7_ the station. The train was just coming _8_ the station. “I don't know if you'll get _9_ this train; it's very full," said the porter. But they managed to get into the last carriage. When they got _10_ Hwalien they decided to go _11_ foot to the Chungs' house instead of _12_ taxi as it was not far _13_ the station. They got there _14_ ten minutes _15_ exactly four o'clock.
1. to     2. by    3. by    5. at     4. on    6. off   7. at     8. into 9. on    10. to   11. on

12. by 13. from     14. in   15. at

