2017年3月30日 星期四

B4 U3單字片語例句講義

Words for Production
1.    aboard  adv. 在(船/火車/飛機/巴士)上 on a ship, train, plane, or bus
●  I just heard the horn of the train blowing. We’d better get aboard as soon as possible.
aboard  prep. 在(船/火車/飛機/巴士)上
●  The couple got married aboard a private yacht (n. [C] 遊艇). 這對夫妻在私人遊艇上結婚
All aboard! 請大家上船/火車/飛機/巴士;乘客都到齊了。
Welcome aboard! 歡迎登機/船!
abroad adv. 在國外
board vt. 登上(船/火車/飛機/巴士)
broad adj. 寬的
2.    guide  n. [C] 導遊 a person whose job is to show a place to tourists
●  Samantha is an experienced tour guide. She can answer all your questions about this place.
guide  vt. 為……領路;引導 SYN direct; lead
●  Mr. Smith guided the tourists through Kenting National Park. Smith先生引導遊客參觀墾丁國家公園。
●  One of teachers’ jobs is to guide students in their studying. 老師的工作之一就是引導學生學習。
guide dog 導盲犬
guided missile 導彈
(3) n. [C] 指南
• Ryan bought a city guide so that he could travel on his own.
television guide 電視指南
traveler’s guide 旅行指南
guidance n. [U] 指引
guideline n. [C] 準則
3.    statue n. [C] (大型)雕像 a human or animal image in stone, metal, etc.
●  A statue of Mozart can be seen at the entrance of the music hall. 在音樂廳的入口可以看見莫札特的雕像。
state n. [C] (常大寫)美國的州 
n. [C] 狀態;情況 vt. 說明;陳述
status n. [U] 身分地位
4.    monument n. [C] 紀念碑 a construction in honor or remembrance of an important person or event SYN memorial
●  The government put up a monument to remind people of the terrible event and the lesson we learned from it. 政府設置一座紀念碑來提醒人們那件可怕的事件和我們從中所學到的教訓。
monumental adj. 巨大的 SYN huge
5.    independence  n. [U] 獨立 freedom from political control by other countries; freedom to make one’s own decisions in life ANT dependence
●  Many British colonies gained their independence after World War II. 許多英國的殖民地在二次世界大戰後獲得獨立。
●  Some American teenagers want to move out and live by themselves so they can have more independence. 一些美國的青少年想要搬出去自己生活,這樣他們才可以更獨立自主。
independent  adj. 獨立的 ANT dependent
●  Lucy found a job last summer. Since then, she has been financially (adv. 財務上) independent from her parents.
the Declaration of Independence 美國獨立宣言
Independence Day 美國獨立紀念日
dependence n. [U] 依賴
dependent adj. 依靠的;取決於……
6.    signify vt. 代表著;意味著 to be a symbol of something; to mean something SYN represent, symbolize, stand for
●  The colors of flowers are often associated with different meanings. For example, red roses signify love and respect. 花的顏色經常帶有不同的意思。例如紅玫瑰代表愛與尊重
●  A yellow traffic light signifies that you should slow down and stop. 黃燈意味著你應該慢下來並停住。
7.    exist vi. 存在;生存 to be present in a particular place or situation; to be alive  SYN live
●  The custom of eating with the hands still exists in many countries. 用手吃東西的習俗仍然存在於許多國家中。
●  Dinosaurs existed tens of millions of years ago.
existence  n. [U] 存在
come into existence 開始存在
●  Many people deeply believe in the existence of God. 許多人堅信上帝的存在。
existing  adj. 現存的現行的
●  The school is planning to expand the existing library in order to house more books. 學校為了要收藏更多的書,正在計劃擴建現有的圖書館。
8.    height n. [U,C] 高度 the measure of how high a thing or how tall a person is
width n. [C,U] 寬度
length n. [C,U] 長度
weight n. [C,U] 重量
●  Susana is growing so fast. She is almost the same height as her mother. Susana長得很快。她幾乎她媽媽一樣高了。
●  The tree house was put at a height of six feet above ground. 這間樹屋建於離地面六英尺高的地方。
9.    story  n. [C] 樓;層 floor  n. [C] 故事;傳說
●  The Empire State Building (帝國大廈) has 102 stories. It was the world’s tallest building from 1931 to 1972. 帝國大廈有102層樓,它從1931年到1972年是世界上最高的建築物。
• short story 短篇故事
• love story 愛情故事
• ghost story 鬼故事
10.            inscribe  vt. to write or cut words on the surface of something hard, like a stone or coin
●  James inscribed his girlfriend’s name on the back of his watch as a way to express his love for her.
inscription  n. [C] 刻文
●  The inscription on my wedding ring reads, “The Answer to My Prayers.” 在我結婚戒指上的刻文寫著「如以償」。
describe vt. 描述
prescribe vt. 開處方籤
subscribe vi. 訂閱
11.            enlighten vt. 啟發;指點 to be free from ignorance; to give someone information or knowledge about something
●  This book can enlighten people about the rights that they may not be aware of. 這本書可以啟發人們關於他們可能不知道的權利。
●  I don’t understand the question. Please kindly enlighten me. 我不了解這個問題。麻煩你好心地指點我。
enlightenment  n. [U] 教導,啟發;[the E~] 啟蒙運動
●  You seem to have discovered all the answers to the homework. Can you share your enlightenment with me? 你似乎已知道作業的所有答案。可以教我嗎?
●  The Enlightenment took place in Europe in the 18th century when many thinkers began to seek reason and scientific proof. 啟蒙運動發生於十八世紀的歐洲,那時許多思想家開始尋找理性和科學的證據
enlightening adj. 有啟發性的
• The professor’s speech was brief but enlightening.
12.            crown n. [C] 王冠 (常大寫)王位;王權 vt. 為……加冕 a circular object decorated with gold and jewels and usually worn by kings and queens on their heads
●  The crown of the queen was decorated with jewels, including rubies (紅寶石), pearls, and diamonds. 女王的王冠上裝飾有珠寶包括紅寶石珍珠鑽石
13.            represent  vt. 象徵;作為……代表 to be a sign of something; to speak officially for a group SYN signify, symbolize, stand for
●  The fifty stars on the American flag represent the fifty states of the United States of America. 美國國上的五十顆星星代表美利堅合眾國的五十州。
●  Our manager will represent our company in this meeting. 我們經理將會是這場會議中本公司的代表。
representative  n. [C] 代表  adj. 有代表性的
●  Jenny was chosen as her school’s representative at the design competition. Jenny被選為設計比賽的學校代表。
representation n. [C,U] 代表
• The dove in the beginning of the film is a representation of peace.
• Alex had no representation at the peace talks.
14.            freedom  n. [U] 自由 adj. 自由的;免費的;空閒的 vt. 使……自由 the right to do anything one wants
●  In democratic countries, people have the freedom to express their own ideas. 民主的國家裡,人民有表達自己想法的自由。
freedom of speech/religion 言論/宗教自由
freedom from... 免於、不受……的自由
15.            oppression n. [U] 壓迫 the act of taking away people’s rights and liberty
●  The poor have been struggling under the government’s oppression. 窮人在政府的壓迫下一直不斷掙扎
oppress vt. 壓迫
●  The people in this country are oppressed and do not have the same freedom that we have in Taiwan. 這個國家的人民受到壓迫,沒有和我們在臺灣所擁有的同樣自由
depress vt. 使沮喪
express vt. 表達
impress vt. 使印象深刻
16.            admire vt. 欣賞;敬佩,讚賞 to look at someone or something attractive or impressive; to regard someone or their actions with respect SYN appreciate
●  On our road trip, we often took breaks to admire the view. 在開車旅行途中,我們常停下來休息欣賞風景。
●  We often fail to see the value of what we have, while at the same time we admire what others have. 我們常沒有看到我們所擁有的東西的價值,而在同時羨慕其他人所擁有的。
admiration n. [U] 讚賞
●  Ms. Kuo’s warmth and kindness has won her the admiration of others. 郭女士的親切和仁慈讓她贏得他人的讚賞。
admire sb. for sth. 羨慕某人某事
admirable adj. 令人欽佩的 
17.            spectacular adj. 壯觀的 very impressive and amazing
●  You can look over Taipei City from Yangmingshan. The night view is especially spectacular. 你可以從陽明山俯瞰臺北市,晚上的景色更是壯觀。
spectacularly adv. 壯觀地
spectacle n. [C] 壯觀場面 
Words for Recognition
1.    Lady Liberty  n. 自由女神(全名為the Statue of Liberty。)
liberty  n. [U] (法律或政府賦予的)自由
take the liberty of... 自作主張
2.    cruise n. [C] 航行
cruise ship/liner 遊輪
cruise missile 巡弋飛彈
3.    the United Kingdom  n. 英國(全名為the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,簡稱為the UK。)
全名為the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國),簡稱the United Kingdom(聯合王國)或Britain(不列顛),通稱英國。英國在最強盛時期連同其海外殖民地被稱為大英帝國,曾經殖民的地區包括了北美、南非、澳洲、甚至亞洲的香港。雖然目前許多國家或行政區都已獨立或回歸,英國仍在全球扮演相當舉足輕重的角色。英國是聯合國安理會常任理事國、全球前七大經濟體、世界八大強國之一,也是世界貿易組織的一員。
4.    copper  n. [U]
copper wire 銅線
copper mine 銅礦
5.    steel  n. [U]
steel helmet 鋼盔
6.    reddish-brown adj. 紅褐色 SYN copper-colored, reddish-tan
amber 琥珀色
cream 米色
maroon 棗紅色(美國有個樂團叫魔力紅 Maroon 5
olive 橄欖色
ivory 象牙白
7.    oxidize vi. 氧化
antioxidant n. [C] 抗氧化劑
8.    exile n. [C] 流亡者
political exile 政治流亡者
religious exile 宗教流亡者
life-long exile 終身流放
9.    sculptor n. [C] 雕刻家
10.            Libertas n. 利伯塔斯(拉丁文,為古羅馬神話中的一個女神,代表自由。)
11.            Lower Manhattan  n. 曼哈頓下城(曼哈頓為紐約市五大區之一。)
1.    more or less 幾乎;大約
SYN almost; somewhat, nearly
●  Ian has more or less finished the homework assigned by his English teacher.
●  I have already saved a million dollars, more or less. 我已經存了大約一百萬元。
for better or worse 不管如何
• I’ll spend the rest of my life taking care of you, for better or worse.
rain or shine 不論晴雨
• Rain or shine, the game will be held on time.
2.    be made of 以……製成
●  Many items that we use every day are made of plastic. 許多我們每天所使用的東西是由塑膠製成的。
be made from ……製成
• Wine is made from grapes.
be made up of ……組成
SYN be composed of, consist of
• The committee is made up of seven members from different countries.
3.    with age 隨著時間、年紀增長而……
●  A person’s wisdom and peace of mind usually increase with age. 一個人的智慧和心靈的平靜通常會隨著年紀而增長
at the age of... ……歲時
• Mozart began to compose music at the age of five.
An idle youth, a needy age.
4.    be exposed to 暴露於
●  Parents often try to keep their children from being exposed to danger. 父母通常會儘量不讓自己的小孩接觸到危險。
be protected from 受保護以遠離……
• The water in this bay is protected from swimmers because it is home to dozens of giant sea turtles.
5.    figure out 想出;理解
●  It took me quite a few hours to figure out the math question. 解開這個數學題目花了我好幾個小時。
puzzle out 思索出
• Did you puzzle out the meaning of that strange letter Mr. Lin sent you?
6.    watch ones step 留心腳步;走路小心
SYN mind one’s step
●  Watch your step! The floor is wet.
step by step 逐步地
• You have to follow the instructions and finish the puzzle step by step.
watch out for... 小心……

• People living in lower areas should watch out for the approaching typhoon. 

