2021年8月2日 星期一

4 in 1 Reading Comprehension Unit 2


Unit 02

I. 綜合測驗

People around the world do different things to celebrate the coming of the New Year _1._ Japanese people, for example. They give their houses a thorough clean-up _2._ sweep away bad luck and bring in good luck. What's more, paying a visit to the local shrine is also a _3._ for Japanese people at the beginning of a new year. They believe that by doing so, God will give them the most blessings. As for people in South Africa, their New Year celebration is much livelier _4._ that in Japan. A great party called Minstrel Carnival climaxes the entire celebration and makes the whole town filled with joy. _5._ ways of celebrations may differ from country to country, what people deeply long for is universal. They all hope that the coming year will be a happy and lucky one.

(  ) 1. (A) Make             (B) Have                     (C) Give                      (D) Take

(  ) 2. (A) with a view to (B) with an eye to      (C) so as to                  (D) in addition to

(  ) 3. (A) will                (B) must                      (C) type                       (D) form

(  ) 4. (A) according to  (B) compared with      (C) judging from         (D) based on

(  ) 5. (A) Even though  (B) Since                     (C) Despite                  (D) No matter


What + V… / S + V... + V… (what引導名詞子句當主詞)

說明:what為複合關係代名詞,相當於一個先行詞+關係代名詞(the thing that)其所引導的子句為名詞子句,可以當主詞,亦可以當受詞及補語。

à [What really matters] is not [what one has], but [what one is].

à [What you said] really surprised me.

à Kyle is a liar; never ever believe [what he says].

II. 綜合測驗

Before the age of 19, Amy Purdy was not different from any other American girl. She was passionate about snowboarding, and _1._ to travel around the world. Unfortunately, in 1999, a sudden infection, caused by bacterial meningitis, made her lose her two legs _2._ her spleen and kidneys. She had been in the hospital for a while. _3._ she survived, she felt depressed. She looked at her artificial legs, thinking that it would be impossible for her to travel around the world on those ugly things. However, somehow Amy decided to look on the bright side and take an optimistic _4._. She told herself that she could actually become _5._ she wanted. Later on, Amy designed her own artificial legs and started snowboarding again. She now devotes herself to promoting sports for the disabled.

(  ) 1. (A) longed           (B) rushed                   (C) healed                   (D) peeped

(  ) 2. (A) rather than     (B) as a result of          (C) as well as              (D) according to

(  ) 3. (A) Though         (B) Since                     (C) Unless                   (D) As

(  ) 4. (A) memory         (B) appearance            (C) attitude                  (D) influence

(  ) 5. (A) so tall that      (B) as tall as                (C) less tall than          (D) such a tall person that


It is + adj. + for sb. / of sb. + to + VR 某人做

說明:若形容詞修飾的是to + VR這件事,需用for + sb.若形容詞修飾的是sb.,介係詞需用of

à It is difficult for some students to memorize those English new words.

(difficult是指to memorize those English new words這件事)

à It is kind of you to help me clean the living room. (kind修飾人)

III. 文意選填

When the moon is about to pass through the earth's shadow, a lot of people get their camera ready, waiting excitedly for the great moment to come. People at _1._ time have the knowledge of eclipses and know how to appreciate them. However, back in ancient times, with the _2._ of scientific information, there were lots of myths and legends related to solar or lunar eclipses.

In ancient China, people believed that a solar eclipse was the result of a heavenly dog _3._ the sun, which was a warning of disasters or death. Thus, they made loud noise and struck drums to _4._ the heavenly dog off. Though a man brought up a reasonable scientific _5._ for solar and lunar eclipses, it was not widely accepted. The legend of the heavenly dog had been around for ages. The Romans believed the lunar eclipse occurred because of gods' _6._ and was taken as unlucky. It is said that when the first emperor of the Roman Empire, Augustus, died in 14 A.D., some soldiers were planning a rebellion. Yet, a lunar eclipse taking place the next day made the soldiers feel _7._. It even caused them to _8._ the plan because they thought that they had irritated the gods, and that their rebellion was against gods' will. In South America, a tribe in the Amazon rain forest, the Gê of Brazil, considered that the _9._ between the sun and the moon caused the eclipse. They believed that the red moon with poor light meant the moon was _10._ as it was defeated and injured.

Although these myths and legends may seem ridiculous to modern people, they do give us a lot of fun and a glimpse into different cultures.

(A) account               (B) cancel                  (C) fight                    (D) scare                    (E) lack

(F) swallowing          (G) bleeding              (H) present                (I) restless                    (J) anger

1. _____                    2. _____                    3. _____                    4. _____                    5. _____

6. _____                    7. _____                    8. _____                    9. _____                    10. _____


… for / because / since / as + S + V… 因為… (表原因的副詞子句)


because of / owing to / due to / as a result of / on account of + N

à The ground is wet, for it rained last night.

à Because the traffic was jam-packed, I couldn't arrive at work on time.

= Because of [the jam-packed traffic], I couldn't arrive at work on time.

IV. 篇章結構

As most senior high school graduates-to-be were struggling with the heavy study load, a Taiwanese youngster chose to walk away from the tests, hopped on his bike, and started a 7,700-kilometer journey. ___1.___ He camped in the desert or stayed in cheap hostels. Sometimes, he ate only one meal a day, or didn't take a shower for days. In spite of that, he thought what he saw for himself was worth the hardships. As a lone traveler, he spent most of the time observing great sights like the clear, starry sky and sand storms. He also noticed that China and Taiwan had similar problems, like high housing prices. ___2.___

In fact, the term "grand tour" is nothing new. In Chinese history, the first "long" trip was made in Tang Dynasty, back in the 7th century, when a Chinese Buddhist monk, Xuanzang, made a pilgrimage journey to India. ___3.___ On the other side of the world, in Europe, back in the 16th century, rich British young men from the upper class would travel to Europe in order to explore cultures, art, language and geography. ___4.___ In the 19th century, the grand tour grew popular among rich Europeans, as it was regarded as a symbol of stepping into adulthood. Now, the idea of the grand tour still exists, and many young people look forward to going on their own grand tours.

(A) The grand tour could last for four years, enabling the traveler to fully experience the continent.

(B) And the phrase "grand tour" first appeared in a well-known poet Tu Fu's poem, which describes how he had prepared for a trip to Japan.

(C) He set out from Taichung Harbor, riding across most of Mainland China, and finally arrived at Xinjiang.

(D) This trip lasted for 110 days, and it was a "grand tour" that he would never forget in his lifetime.

1. _____                          2. _____                          3. _____                           4. _____


S + V… + (in order) to / so as to + VR ... 為了… (表目的的不定詞片語)

說明:表目的的不定詞片語也可以改用子句,即in order that / so that S + V…也可以用 with a view / with an eye to + V-ingso as toso that只能擺句中

à George plans to send the girl dozens of roses (in order) to impress her.

= George plans to send the girl dozens of roses so as to impress her.

= George plans to send the girl dozens of roses with a view to impressing her.

= George plans to send the girl dozens of roses in order that he can impress her.

V. 閱讀測驗

Many people are fond of ladybugs because of their colorful, spotted appearance, but farmers love them for their unusual appetite. Most ladybugs consume plant-eating insects, such as aphids, and in doing so, they help to protect crops. Ladybugs lay hundreds of eggs in the colonies of aphids and other plant-eating pests. As soon as they are hatched, the ladybug larvae immediately begin to feed. Their appetite is so big that by the end of its three-to-six-week life, a ladybug may have eaten up to 5,000 aphids.

Ladybugs are also called lady beetles or, in Europe, ladybird beetles. There are about 5,000 different species of these insects, and not all of them have the same appetites. A few ladybugs do not feed on plant-eaters but on plants. The Mexican bean beetle and the squash beetle are destructive pests that feed on the crops mentioned in their names.

Ladybugs appear as half-spheres, tiny, spotted, round or oval-shaped domes. They have short legs and antennae. Their unique spots and attractive colors are meant to make them unappealing to predators. Ladybugs can produce a fluid from joints in their legs, which gives them a terrible taste. Their coloring is likely a reminder to any animals that have tried to eat them: "I taste awful." A threatened ladybug may both play dead and give off the unpleasant substance to protect itself.

(  ) 1. What is this article mainly about?

(A) Different species of ladybugs in the world.

(B) How enjoyable ladybugs are to people because of their appearance.

(C) The ways ladybugs survive in the harsh natural environment.

(D) Some facts about ladybugs and their characteristics.

(  ) 2. Why are ladybugs highly welcomed by farmers?

(A) They have colorful and spotted appearance.

(B) They are capable of laying hundreds of eggs.

(C) They can consume plenty of other bugs that might damage the plants.

(D) They can give off an unpleasant substance to threaten other plant-eating insects.

(  ) 3. According to the article, what do we learn about "Mexican bean beetle" and the "squash beetle?"

(A) They both prey mainly on plants instead of bugs.

(B) They can eat up to 5,000 aphids in their entire lifetime.

(C) They mostly consume plant-eating insects.

(D) They do not belong to the family of ladybugs.

(  ) 4. According to the article, which statement is NOT true?

(A) The attractive color of the ladybugs is a kind of warning to its predators.

(B) When facing danger, ladybugs give off an unpleasant smell from their wings or play dead.

(C) Some species of ladybugs could damage plants and cause huge troubles for farmers.

(D) Ladybugs can generally live around one month after they are hatched from eggs.


N, which… (非限定關係子句)


à Peter didn't tell Helen why he went out with his secretary [, which made Helen hit the roof]. (先行詞是前面那句話)

à Frank really hopes to have a wife [, who can share everything with him]. (Frank只要一個太太)

à The movie features Keanu Reeves [, who has been beloved by fans around the world]. (先行詞是專有名詞)

VI. 閱讀測驗

Hollywood's superstars value their privacy, and they would hate to see their gran houses become tourist spots. However, there are some exceptions: the homes of the late stars Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley.

Neverland Ranch in California is the place Michael Jackson called home from 1986 to 2005. Since it covers about 11 square kilometers. Jackson had a zoo and a theme park built on his ranch. The island in the celebrated children's story Peter Pan gave him the idea for the name. When Jackson lived there, he often invited seriously ill children to visit the ranch: there they didn't have to obey any rules. It's said that these children could play and eat to their hearts' content. Unfortunately, the ranch was closed by the government because of some scandals about its owner.

Down in the South, each year, about 640,000 people pay a visit to Graceland in Tennessee, the house where the legendary singer Elvis Presley had lived. After Presley had been dead for five years, his ex-wife turned the house into a museum. People have to pay about US$10 to see the entire mansion. The huge white building has 23 rooms, and there are 40 guides to show visitors around them. One of the rooms has three TV sets side by side. Presley got the idea from a trip to the White House. In the back yard is the famous singer's grave, where people often put flowers and teddy bears. It is said that Elvis's ghost still lives in the mansion.

Though we can no longer visit Michael Jackson's Neverland, we can still go to Graceland in order to get some idea of how superstars live. Maybe this will make it easier for us to leave the other stars alone, for they surely need some privacy.

(  ) 1. What is the main purpose of this passage?

(A) To warn people not to invade superstars' privacy.

(B) To show what Michael Jackson's and Elvis Presley's lives were like.

(C) To offer readers a glimpse into two celebrities' previous homes.

(D) To explain how Jackson's and Presley's houses have become tourist attractions.

(  ) 2. According to the passage, what are Hollywood's superstars least likely to do?

(A) Build grand mansions.                    (B) Invite their good friends to their homes.

(C) Protect their privacy.                       (D) Allow tourists to come inside their houses.

(  ) 3. Why did Elvis Presley place three TV sets side by side in the room?

(A) He liked the design of the room where the president of the USA lives.

(B) He could watch and enjoy three channels in the room at the same time.

(C) One famous children's story Peter Pan gave him the idea to do so.

(D) He wanted his visitors to choose whatever channel they wanted to watch.

(  ) 4. Which one of the following is NOT true about Jackson's ranch?

(A) It is large enough to have a zoo and a theme park in it.

(B) Jackson himself closed the ranch for some negative news.

(C) Kids invited there could do whatever they wanted.

(D) Michael Jackson lived there for nearly twenty years.


Adv. + V / be + S  (地方副詞/片語擺句首倒裝)


à The old lady lives in the forest. = In the forest lives an old lady.

à He comes here. = Here he comes. (he為代名詞)

VII. 混合題型

betterlife.com x        http://betterlife.com

Debra McLean, Ph.D.

Founder & CEO, McLean Institute of Coaching

"There just isn't enough time to get everything done!"

A lot of people find themselves saying these words when they don't know how to handle a lot of work. They are often advised to get more organized, get their priorities right and stay focused. Though these are important, there's something deep inside that we do not see, and it matters even more.

It's important that we attend to our inner state by asking ourselves how we are feeling. When we listen to our internal voices, we can adjust more quickly, which helps get rid of that overwhelmed feeling. In addition, we must build boundaries. We often agree to take on a new project but soon regret making that promise. We should examine ourselves and take a while to build a stronger boundary instead of rushing to say yes.

Andrea De Vore

Professional Counselor | Author | TEDX Speaker

The idea of being "overwhelmed" is a liar. On the surface, it is a good sign of being productive. Yet, it is eating you away. So, you must break out of this feeling. You can start with one practical method --- list everything you expect to get done. Then, go back and rank them. The basic principle is first things first. Review the list every week, month or year, which can make you feel everything is under control.

Stuart Hearn

CEO & Founder, Crystal Review

Employee burnout is common in the business world. We all feel stressed at times because of too much work. To prevent your work days from turning into a source of anxiety or ill-health, the first step is to learn to honestly and firmly refuse tasks that are not in your priority list, since you are not a machine. Stop having lunch at the desk. Get up and stretch your legs every hour. Your job is important, and your private life is, too. So, stop checking work emails at home. Go on a weekend vacation and you'll feel you are a new person when you return.

(  ) 1. Which of the following is most likely to be the title of this web page (http:// betterlife.com)?

(A) What Is the Secret to Success in Life

(B) Three Ugly Truths About Human Nature

(C) How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed at Work

(D) Management Tips for Running a Company

(  ) 2. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) It is not being more organized but understanding our own feelings that matters.

(B) Sometimes, people think being busy is a good thing because they are being productive.

(C) We should work really hard, even skipping lunch, so that we can have time for vacationing.

(D) We should write down all the tasks, and try to finish them all as soon as possible.

3. According to Stuart Hearn, what is as important as our job?


4. Match the three experts with the tips that they mention: (Note: An expert may have more than one tip, and the same tip may be offered by more than one expert.)

Debra McLean, Ph.D. •                             • (A) Listen to the voice in your heart.

Andrea De Vore •                                       • (B) Take holidays.

Stuart Hearn                                            • (C) Effectively make to-do lists.

• (D) Politely reject unnecessary requests.


V…, and + S + will + VR...  (如果)…就會

V…, or + S + will + VR ...  否則就會… (接反而結果)


à Study harder, and you will enter your ideal university.

 = If you study harder, you will enter your ideal university.

à Hurry up, or we will miss the train. (錯過火車為與預期反面之結果)

 = If we don't hurry up, we will miss the train.

Practice 2


(  ) 1. Doctors should respect every patient's _____ and refuse to reveal anything about the patient's medical record.

(A) continent             (B) appetite               (C) substance            (D) privacy

(  ) 2. Lisa had never _____ that she wanted to quit the job, so when she did, we were all shocked.

(A) regretted              (B) mentioned           (C) promoted            (D) struggled

(  ) 3. In the face of challenges, a(n) _____ attitude will definitely help us deal with things more easily.

(A) optimistic            (B) unappealing        (C) internal                (D) celebrated

(  ) 4. The 30 minute film gives students a _____ into the life our ancestors had two thousand years ago.

(A) legend                 (B) disaster                (C) glimpse               (D) government

(  ) 5. The kids are asked to _____ the growth of the plants carefully and record what they have found.

(A) advise                 (B) observe               (C) defeat                  (D) obey


(A) long for              (B) be meant to         (C) be fond of           (D) set out             (E) give off

(  ) 6. If you don't take out the garbage in the kitchen now, it will soon _____ terrible smell.

(  ) 7. Teachers as well as students are really tired. They all _____ the coming of summer vacation.

(  ) 8. Ms. Larry next door seemed to _____ my little brother, and she treated him very nicely.


9. 在路的盡頭是一家有名的咖啡廳。(Adv. + V + S)


10. 我的朋友們不告訴我舉辦派對的地點,為了要給我個驚喜。(in order to...)


