2021年8月26日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 1.5



1. To V1/V1-ing... (+ Aux) + be/V2....


1. 不定詞片語或動名詞都可以當句子的主詞,須視為第三人稱單數,接單數動詞。

2. 作主詞時,若不定詞片語過長,常會以虛主詞it替代,並將真主詞置於句子的後半部,避免整個句子頭重腳輕。其句型為“It (+ Aux) + be/V2... to V1....”



1. To arrive/Arriving at an airport where no one is waiting for you is one of the  loneliest things in the world.


2. To say/Saying is one thing, but to do/doing is another.


3. To give/Giving a speech in public makes Brian nervous.

  It makes Brian nervous to give a speech in public.



2. S1 + suggest + that + S2 + (should) V....


1. 此句型表示「建議某人應該做某事」的意思。動詞suggest後接that所引導的名詞子句當受詞,此子句中的助動詞should常被省略,所以不論何種時態或人稱,動詞一律用原形。

2. 如要表達否定,則把not加在子句的原形動詞前即可。

3. 其他類似用法的動詞尚有:recommend (推薦)advise (勸告)demand (要求)order (命令)insist (堅持)等。



1. Juan Mann suggested that people around the world (should) join his “Free Hugs” campaign.

  (Juan Mann建議全世界的人都加入他的Free Hugs活動。)

2. Elsa’s stylist suggested that she (should) try a new hairstyle.


3. The waiter recommended that we (should) order roast beef.



3. On (one’s) N/V-ing..., S + V....





1. On his arrival at the airport, Juan noticed the excited faces of the people there.


2. On hearing the baby’s cry, Jenny woke up from her sleep.


3. On reaching home, I checked my mailbox.  (一回到家,我就檢查信箱。)


4. S + make + O + V....





1. What Mann experienced made him feel very sad and lonely.


2. The clown’s funny tricks made the children laugh.


3. Mother made me finish my homework before dinner.



5. S + V + what + S (+ Aux) + V....


1. 此處的what為複合關係代名詞,在句中可作主詞、受詞或補語使用,表示「非特定的事物」,相當於the thing(s) which/that

2. 複合關係代名詞兼具先行詞和關係代名詞的功用,可用來引導名詞子句;故句子中若沒有先行詞出現時,則需用複合關係代名詞what



1. Mann knew what might make these terrible feelings go away.

  Mann knew the thing which/that might make these terrible feelings go away.


2. What the girl needs most is love.

  The thing that the girl needs most is love.  (這個女孩最需要的是愛。)

3. I don’t know what I said yesterday hurt Nate.

  I don’t know the thing which/that I said yesterday hurt Nate.



I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. Alice told me ________ she really wanted was just a simple hug.

            (A) which              (B) what                   (C) that                 (D) ×

( ) 2. Ben’s selfishness made him ________ all his friends.

            (A) lose                 (B) to lose                (C) losing              (D) lost

( ) 3. Shopping on the Internet ________ popular these days.

            (A) become           (B) becomes            (C) to become       (D) becoming

( ) 4. The thing ________ happened to Helena changed her life.

            (A) what                (B) why                    (C) it                     (D) which

( ) 5. Ray’s mother suggested that he ________ more attention to his study.

            (A) to pay              (B) paying                (C) pay                  (D) pays

( ) 6. ________ entering the hotel room, I turned on all the lights.

            (A) If                     (B) Because             (C) On                   (D) For

( ) 7. Ms. Lee ________ her students write down every word that she said.

            (A) asked              (B) made                  (C) told                 (D) wanted

( ) 8. On ________ the report, Mark handed it in to his teacher.

            (A) finish              (B) finished             (C) being finished (D) finishing

( ) 9. ________ to the movies on weekends is my hobby.

            (A) Go                   (B) To go                  (C) Be going         (D) To going

( ) 10. The clerk ________ I buy the pink shoes to go with my dress.

            (A) hoped              (B) suggested           (C) needed            (D) wanted


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. With getting off the bus, Ed took off his jacket.

                                       (A) (B)                                    (C)

( ) ____________ 2. The flowers in the room make Sally to feel pleasant.

                                                         (A)              (B)            (C)

( ) ____________ 3. You should be thankful for which your parents have done for

                                                                           (A) (B)                           (C)


( ) ____________ 4. The doctor suggested that Rachel exercising every day.

                                                            (A)     (B)                  (C)

( ) ____________ 5. Make a plan is important for a long trip.

                                       (A)           (B)               (C)


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. David的老闆命令他兩天之內完成工作。

David’s boss d____________ that he ____________ the work in two days.

2. 那位影星一到達,所有的影迷都興奮地尖叫起來。

All the fans screamed with excitement ____________ the movie star’s ____________.

3. 父親的勸告讓我改變了心意。

Father’s advice ____________ me ____________ my mind.

4. 享受生活比賺大錢更重要。

____________ your life is more important than ____________ a lot of money.

5. 蓋一個新的音樂廳要花很多錢。

____________ ____________ a new concert hall will cost much money.


