2021年8月9日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 3.5


1. S + V + 疑問詞(why/who(m)/what/when/where/how) + S (+ Aux) + V....


1.     句型介紹間接問句的用法,疑問詞所引導的名詞子句為主要子句的受詞。間接問句不同於

   一般疑問句的形式,其主詞和動詞不用倒裝,而以直述句的方式呈現,即S (+ Aux) + V...

2. 其疑問詞包括:why問「原由」、whowhom問「人」、what問「事物」、when問「時間」、where問「地點」以及how問「方式」等。

3. 在此句型中,結尾的標點符號由主要子句決定,若主要子句為直述句,該句以句點結尾;若主要子句為疑問句,該句則以問號結尾。


1. Many people wonder how they can make friends with other people.


2. David knows why Rosetta didn't come to the meeting this morning.


3. Do you want to know where I bought this watch?



2. V1-ing…, S + V2


1.     此句型為分詞構句的用法,是由whenafteras soon as等連接詞所引導的時間副詞子句簡化而來,其主要子句和副詞子句的主詞(S)須相同。

2. 簡化的步驟如下:先省略連接詞及副詞子句的主詞,然後將副詞子句中的「主動動詞」改為「現在分詞(V-ing)」。

3. 當主詞為人名時,副詞子句的主詞省略後,主要子句的人稱代名詞要改為該人名。此外,當要省略的動詞時態為「進行式」時,以V-ing的方式呈現。若副詞子句為否定句,改成分詞構句時,否定詞一律置於分詞之前。


1. When you have prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can then start to cook them together carefully.

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can then start to cook them together carefully.  (在準備好所有需要的材料時,你就可以開始仔細地把這些一起煮。)

2. After I left London, I've never heard from Andrea.

Leaving London, I've never heard from Andrea

3. As soon as Fiona got her salary, she gave the money back to me.

Getting her salary, Fiona gave the money back to me.



 3. S + V + O + wh-clause


此句型由S + Vt + O延伸而來,受詞之後的wh-子句為直接受詞,表示「告知或詢問」的內容。wh-子句為間接問句用法,故須用直述句的語序。此句型中常見的動詞有askshowtell等。


1.This recipe tells you exactly what you need.   (這本食譜恰好告訴你所需要的東西。)

2.Elsa asked me where the Taipei Main Station was yesterday.


3.John told me why he was angry with Dan.  (John告訴我他為什麼生Dan的氣。)


4. If + S1 + V1..., S2 + Aux + V2....如果……,那麼……


1.     if是連接詞,意思是「如果」,後面引導直說法的條件子句,表示「事實或普遍狀況」,說話者並無存有「與現在事實相反」的想法。

2.     if條件句中的動詞要使用現在簡單式。

3.     常見放在主要子句的助動詞有:will表示「將要」、can表示「能夠」、may表示「可能」和should表示「應該」等。


1.If everything is done right, the results can be something truly magical.


2.These things may happen if global warming continues to cause sea level to rise. 


3.If the price of the car rises next month, I will not buy the car.



5. S + Vt + O + by + N/V-ing


1. 以句型為S + Vt + O的延伸用法,在S + Vt + O之後加上by所引導的介系詞片語,以作為補充說明之用。

2. 以介系詞by加上名詞或是動名詞組成的介系詞片語,by + N/V­ing為「藉由……,透過……」之意。

3. 介系詞片語by + N/V-ing也可置於句首,以逗號來與主要句子區隔,句意不變。


1. By taking action, you can make something great appear.

  You can make something great appear by taking action.


2. Emily made the drink by mixing lemon juice and soda.  (Emily用檸檬汁和汽水製作飲料。)

3. Helena has booked two Super Junior's concert tickets by the Internet.

  (Helena已經透過網路訂購兩張Super Junior演唱會的票。)


I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( )1.If the weather _____ bad tomorrow, what _____ we do?

     (A) is; would  (B) will be; will  (C) is; will  (D) would be; do

( ) 2.Vanessa doesn't know _____ in Japan.

     (A) where does she arrive       (B) when will she arrive

     (C) where she arrives           (D) when she will arrive

( )3._____ a gift from Billy, Brenda seemed embarrassed.

     (A) Receiving  (B) Receive  (C) Received  (D) To receive

( )4.Please tell Mr. Wang to send this CD _____ express.

     (A) in         (B) to       (C) by       (D) above

( )5.Mary doesn't tell me_____

     (A) what is her secret?       (B) what her secret is.

     (C) how is her secret?        (D) how her secret is.

( )6.You _____ call me if you _____ help.

     (A) would; needed  (B) will; need   (C) can; need   (D) could; needed

( )7.Willa learns to play the violin _____ taking some lessons.

     (A) by        (B) on              (C) in             (D) over

( )8.Jimmy told me _____ he was angry with Webber.

     (A) what        (B) why             (C) how         (D) where

( )9.Have you heard _____?

     (A) who is that woman     (B) that who is woman

     (C) that woman who is     (D) who that woman is

( )10._____ that English novel, I didn't look up new words in the dictionary.

     (A) Read    (B) Reading    (C) To read   (D) Had read


II. 配合題:從下列框中選出最適當的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ...when the movie started last night.

(B) ...by being a part-time actor.

(C) ...if he studies harder.

(D) ...you can use the computer.

(E) ...why Anita doesn't talk to me anymore.

_____ 1.I don't understand...

_____ 2.It is impossible for me to make a living...

_____ 3.Cindy asked me...

_____ 4.Nick may pass the exam...

_____ 5.Keying in your name and student number, ...


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。


A_____ a phone call from Melissa, I heard a lot of noise.


The kid found his way home _____ _____ a policeman.


The magician showed the audience _____ _____ _____ a car disappear.


Norman doesn't know _____ his parents _____ _____ him up.


If you _____ show up at six, we _____ start off without you.


