2021年8月2日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 4.7



1. It + be (not) + Adj + that-clause


1. 此句型用來表達事實或發表意見。it為虛主詞,真正的主詞為後面的that子句。

2. 常用於此句型中的形容詞有cleartruestrangepossiblewonderfulembarrassingamazing等。



1. It is clear that Shel Silverstein is one of the best-loved poets in modern American literature.

(很顯然地,Shel Silverstein是美國現代文學中最受到喜愛的詩人之一。)

2. It was strange that the man wore a heavy coat on a hot summer day.


3. It is impossible that one can succeed without making any effort.



2. S + has/have + Vpp... + since + S + was/were/V-ed...


1. 此句型用來表示從過去一個時間點持續到現在的動作或狀態。

2. 主要子句須用現在完成式,而由since所引導的時間副詞子句,動詞則用過去簡單式。



1. Silverstein’s poems have been read and enjoyed by many Americans since they were children.


2. I haven’t seen my brother since our parents divorced.


3. Riding a bicycle has become a popular sport since more and more people realized the importance of environmental protection.



3. one of + 複數名詞                                    ……其中之一


1. 在此句型中,one為不定代名詞表示of 後面所接的名詞之一。這裡的名詞須用可數名詞複數形。

2. one of 加上複數名詞作主詞時,注意後面須搭配單數動詞。



1. Shel Silverstein is one of the best-loved poets in modern American literature.

(Shel Silverstein是美國現代文學中最受到喜愛的詩人之一。)

2. Studying abroad is one of the most unforgettable experiences in my life.


3. One of the students in my class never hands in homework on time.



4. including + N/V-ing                              包括……在內


此句型表示「包括……在內」,其中including為介系詞,後面須接名詞或動名詞。此外,這裡的including也可用inclusive of代替,句型寫成“inclusive of + N/V-ing”



1. Shel Silverstein has authored several collections of poetry, including classics like Falling Up and Where the Sidewalk Ends.  

(Shel Silverstein撰寫過好幾本詩集,包括《往上跌了一跤》和《人行道的盡頭》等經典作品。)

2. My father is a man of wide interests, including drawing and fishing.


3. All the people on the bus died in this accident, inclusive of the driver.



5. It + be + no/little/small wonder + that-clause


1. 此句型表示「難怪……,怪不得……」,表達that子句中所陳述的事情是無庸置疑的。

2. it在此處為虛主詞,代替後面的that子句。



1. It is no wonder that Silverstein’s poems are so popular with readers of all ages.


2. It is little wonder that teenagers are easily influenced by their friends.


3. It was small wonder that the thief ran away when he saw the police.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. Amber has learned to play the piano since she ________ five years old.
(A) has been
      (B) is            (C) was                      (D) be

( ) 2. Taipei 101 is one of the tallest ________ in the world.
(A) build                (B) builds                  (C) building              (D) buildings

( ) 3. I did many things during my winter vacation, including ________ on a trip to Europe.
(A) go                     (B) went                    (C) to go                    (D) going

( ) 4. It was ________ that my brother put his smelly socks on my face.
(A) disgusting        (B) disgustingly        (C) disgusted            (D) disgusts

( ) 5. Hank will move out. It is ________ that all his stuff has been packed.
(A) wonderfully     (B) wondering          (C) not wonder          (D) no wonder

( ) 6. One of my pet cats has been missing since it ________ out from home two days ago.
(A) ran                   (B) runs                     (C) run                      (D) was running

( ) 7. There are totally 30 students in my class, ________ myself.
(A) includes           (B) inclusive             (C) included              (D) including

( ) 8. I have had a bad headache ________ I got up this morning.
(A) since                (B) ever
                     (C) whenever            (D) for

( ) 9. Matt is kind and friendly. ________ is little wonder that he is popular with his classmates.
(A) Which              (B) It                         (C) What                   (D) That

( ) 10. It was ________ that I forgot my date’s name.

(A) embarrassed                                    (B) embarrassing     

(C) embarrassingly                                (D) embarrass


II. 配合題:從下列框中選出最適當的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ...my brother didn’t come home after school.

(B) ...modern people can get information so easily.

(C) ...since the first day they were born.

(D) ...including starving herself for days.

(E) ...one of the biggest chain stores in Taiwan.

____ 1. My sister tried everything she could to lose weight, ...

____ 2. The convenience store, 7-Eleven, is...

____ 3. It was strange that...

____ 4. Because of the Internet, it is no wonder that...

____ 5. Children have started to learn new things...


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. Cathy以前從來沒看過雪。怪不得她在韓國第一次看到雪這麼興奮。

Cathy had never seen snow before. ________ was small ________ ________ she got so excited when she first saw snow in Korea.

2. 媽媽會盡全力保護孩子是很自然的。

________ is ________ ________ mothers would try their best to protect their children.

3. 要申請這份工作,你必須要具備很多技能,包括使用電腦以及說流利的英文。

To apply for the job, you have to equip yourself with many skills, ________ ________ a computer and ________ English fluently.

4. 我最大的願望之一是去環遊世界。

________ of my biggest ________ ________ to travel around the world.

5. 自從Gina 搬到美國後,我就沒有聽到她的消息。

I ________ ________ from Gina ________ she ________ to the United States.


