2021年8月5日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 3.3


1. such (+ a/an) + Adj + N + that + S + V...


1.     such為形容詞,後面可接可數或不可數名詞。之後再接that子句,such所修飾的內容表


2. 另外so + Adj/Adj + that + S +V...同樣常用於表示「如此……以至於……」的意思,但強調的重點有所不同。


1.The Ghost Festival is such an important occasion that businesses in Taiwan often burn “ghost money” for good fortune.


  The Ghost Festival is so important that business in Taiwan often burn “ghost money” for good fortune.

2. It was such a difficult exam that no one could pass it.


  The exam was so difficult that no one could pass it.


3. Venus is such a beautiful woman that people on the streets stare at her.


  Venus is so beautiful that people on the streets stare at her.



2. It + be + believed/considered/said (+ that) + S + V....

  S + be + believed/considered/said + to V....


1. 此組句型原來以that子句為主詞,但往往因為that子句過長而影響閱讀。因此,便以虛主詞it代替that子句,將that子句改放在句末。

2. 另一種用法則是把that子句的主詞置於句首,後面的動詞改為to V

3. be動詞可依時態而作變化,如iswashas been等。


1. It is believed that the gates of hell are opened on the first day of Ghost Month.

The gate of hell are believed to open on the first day of Ghost Month.


2. It is said that we will have another form of life after death.

We are said to have another form of life after death.


3. It is considered that the old man is the richest man in the town.

The old man is considered to be the richest man in the town.


3. ...N + who/whom/which/that...


1.     此句型為關係子句的限定用法,關係代名詞whowhomwhichthat所引導的句子對先行詞有限定及修飾的作用。

2.     關係子句與前面所修飾的先行詞之間不可加逗點。


1. Families set extra seats at tables for relatives who/that had recently passed away. 


2. The magazine which/that Jessica wants to buy is sold out.


3. The restaurant which/that serves delicious and cheap food is always full of customers. 


4. less Adj (+ than...)  (比……)較不……


1. 此句型為形容詞比較級的否定說法,須在形容詞原級前加上less

2. 形容詞後面若再加上than,便有與其他事物比較的意味,則相當於...not as + Adj + as...的意思。

3. 如果是形容詞最高級的否定說法,須在形容詞原級前加上the least


1. Later, people gradually became less serious about these old Halloween traditions. 


2. I think that Iron Man 2 is less exciting than Iron Man 1.

I think that Iron Man 2 is not as exciting as Iron Man 1.


3. Among all the shoes in the store, this pair is the least expensive.



5. S1 + V1..., while + S2 + V2....


1. 從屬連接詞while在此用來表示「對比」,為「然而,但是」之意。while所引導的從屬子句可以放在句首、句中及句末,和主要子句作對比。

2. whereas也有相同的意思,但比while來得正式。


1.Halloween has become a time of fun, while the Ghost Festival is still a serious occasion. 


2.Mark loves basketball, while his brother loves tennis.


3.Some people are for this plan, while/whereas others are against it.


I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1.Your joke is _____ funny _____ the one Henry told me.

     (A) least; to         (B) least; than       (C) less; to            (D) less; than

( ) 2. In Japan, the number four _____ unlucky because it sounds like the worddeathin Japanese.

     (A) is considered to be                 (B) considers to be

     (C) is considered to                   (D) is considering

( ) 3. Matthew spoke in _____ a small voice _____ I had to ask him to speak louder.

     (A) so; that         (B) so; as          (C) such; that         (D) such; as

( ) 4. Julie wants to buy a cell phone _____ is equipped with a camera.

     (A) what         (B) which        (C) , whom      (D) , which

( ) 5. Some people really enjoy rock music, _____ others don't like it very much.

     (A) that           (B) while         (C) though      (D) after

( ) 6._____ that hot weather makes people get angry easily.

     (A) It believes                      (B) It is believed  

(C) That can be believing             (D) That is to believe

( )7.Among all of my friends, Joe is _____ careful. He always makes mistakes.

     (A) a less       (B) a little         (C) the fewest         (D) the least

( )8.In the story, the queen was _____ a kind person _____ people all loved her.

     (A) such; that   (B) so; that         (C) so;×               (D) such;×

( )9.I received an email _____ was sent by Kevin yesterday afternoon.

     (A) whose        (B) whom        (C) who                (D) that

( )10. Mike left his job last month, while his wife _____.

     (A) left her work                   (B) didn't work at all

     (C) is still working now              (D) is not working now


II. 配合題:從下列框中選出最適當的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ...to go to college than before.

(B) ...which is sold well around the world.

(C) ...while Amy went home directly.

(D) ...that almost everyone has read his books.

(E) ...Ben is in love with an American girl.

_____ 1.I bought a new smartphone...

_____ 2.It is said that...

_____ 3.Ivy went to the library after school, ...

_____ 4.For most high school students, it has become less difficult...

_____ 5.Dan Brown is such a famous writer...


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。


_____ most students in class learn to write easily, some students need teacher's extra help.


The cat _____ is lying under the table is Lauren's.


It is _____ a special stone _____ it was displayed in the museum.


Jerry is _____ _____ hard-working students in class, so he gets bad grades.


_____ _____ _____ _____ one should be fortunate enough to see a butterfly flying around.


