2021年8月5日 星期四

Reading Smart B: Unit 44

 Section 2---Unit 44 Food and Health

Food for Thought

When choosing between apples at the grocery store, many people make their choices based on price. However, the cost of your food isn't just about money.

Let's look at those apples again. One group is organic, and the other looks just as nice and is priced for NT$20 less. Before you reach for the regular apples, though, think about what the chemicals and wax on them will do to your health. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers used on apple trees may cause cancer or other illnesses. In addition, when you buy nonorganic produce, you are supporting businesses that pollute 10 the land and water with harmful chemicals.

To help the planet, you can make smarter choices when buying food. For example, cut down on meat. It takes 14 times more energy to produce chicken protein than it does to produce the same amount of soy protein. By choosing to eat less meat, you will use less energy and produce less waste.

There's another question you should ask about your food: Where did it come from? Food miles are the distances between where food is produced and where the consumer eats it. The trucks, planes, and ships used to transport the food burn fuel, producing carbon emissions. The greater distance food has to travel, the more harm it does to the environment. The solution to this problem is simple. You can choose to eat locally grown and produced food. In this carbon emissions are reduced, way, and you are supporting your community by paying local farmers instead of ones in foreign countries.

Eventually, you have to face the fact that your food choices affect you and the planet. Do your part by buying locally grown organic food when possible. It's a small price to pay for a healthy planet and a healthy body.

Reading Comprehension

(   ) 1. Which of the following is true, according to the article?

(A) You support big businesses by buying from local farmers.

(B) Producing soy protein takes less energy than producing chicken protein.

(C) Organic food is more expensive than nonorganic food because the appearance of the former looks better.

(D) Eating meat has nothing to do with energy.

(   ) 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a smart choice when buying food?

(A) Reduce the amount of meat consumption

(B) Learn where the food is produced

(C) Choose locally grown food

(D) Only buy quality food that is inexpensive

(   ) 3. What is the definition of "food miles"?

(A) How far food travels from where it is produced to where it is eaten

(B) How far food travels from where it is sold to where it is thrown away

(C) How far food travels from where it is produced to where it is labeled

(D) How far food travels from where it is bought to where it is eaten

(   ) 4. What is the main idea of the article?

(A) How to find pesticide-free foods

(B) Making the right choices when buying food

(C) The differences between organic and nonorganic produce

(D) Helping the planet by cutting down on meat

