2021年8月26日 星期四

文法講座 43~45


文法講座四十三:"chances are" 和 形容詞 likely

"chances are" 和 形容詞 likely 的用法


(The) chances are (that) 主詞 + 動詞」句型的意思相當於「It's likely that 主詞 + 動詞」,表示某事可能發生,定冠詞 the 和 關係代名詞 that 可省略。「sb + be 動詞 + likely + to 動詞原形」,可表示某人可能。若要表達「不可能」,可將句中的 likely 改成 unlikely mostquiteveryextremely 等副詞可用來修飾形容詞 likely unlikely


(The) chances are (that) they will invite you to Din Tai Fung when you call on them.
It’s likely that they will invite you to Din Tai Fung when you call on them.
They are likely to invite you to Din Tai Fung when you call on them.
They will probably invite you to Din Tai Fung when you call on them.

連接詞 when 遇到未來式 will invite 時,when 後方句中的動詞須改用現在式 call on


(The) chances are (that) an unextinguished cigarette is the cause of the great fire.
It's likely that an unextinguished cigarette is the cause of the great fire.
An unextinguished cigarette is the likely cause of the great fire. [ likely
在此當形容詞 ]
The great fire is probably caused by an unextinguished cigarette. 

例句:Ted 極不可能和 Amy 分手。

It's extremely unlikely that Ted would break up with Amy.
Ted is extremely unlikely to break up with Amy. 

 副詞 extremely 可修飾形容詞 unlikely,也可將 extremely 換成 mostquitevery




文法講座四十四:副詞 「同樣地;而且;也」

副詞 「同樣地;而且;也」 likewisesimilarlyfurthermoremoreover

副詞 likewise 常出現在句首,後方搭配逗點,或放在動詞後。likewise 的意思及用法有下列兩種:

·                  likewise 意指「同樣地」,和 similarlyin the same wayin a similar way 意思相同。likewise 常出現在句首,後方搭配逗點,或放在動詞後。


She donates money to charities and encourages others to do likewise

這裡的 do likewise 意思就是 do the same thing do a similar thing

The food here tastes terrible; likewise, the service is awful. 

·                  likewise 意指「而且;也」,和 in additionmoreoverfurthermorealsotoo的意思相同。用於添加和前一句論點相同的重要資訊。


He’s far too young to think of getting married. Likewise, he is jobless and can’t even support himself.


Her first marriage was a total disaster, and her second marriage is likewise unhappy.




文法講座四十五:no wonder 句型

no wonder 句型

(It's) no wonder (that) 主詞 + 動詞」句型的意思為「難怪」,透露出「一點都不感到驚訝」的情緒。句首的 It's 和關係代名詞 that 可略去不寫。


The baby is starving. It's no wonder that he keeps crying. 

The baby is starving. No wonder he keeps crying.

例句:有女友 Amy 在他裡臂彎裡,難怪 Mark 成了全世界最幸福的人。

With his girlfriend, Amy, in his arms, it's no wonder that Mark becomes the happiest man in the world. 

With his girlfriend, Amy, in his arms, no wonder Mark becomes the happiest man in the world. 

例句:20 年來,他一直是個老菸槍。難怪他現在皮膚滿是皺紋,指甲發黃,聲音低沉沙啞,還有煩人的咳嗽。他的肺壁一定像煙囪內壁那樣全被燻黑了。

He has been a heavy smoker for 20 years. It's no wonder that he has wrinkled skin, yellow fingernails, deep hoarse voice, and sickening cough. The inside of his lungs must be as black as that of a chimney. 

He has been a heavy smoker for 20 years. No wonder he has wrinkled skin, yellow fingernails, deep hoarse voice, and sickening cough. The inside of his lungs must be as black as that of a chimney. 


