2021年8月25日 星期三

5 in 1 Reading Comprehension Unit 1

 Unit 01 Food

I. 綜合測驗


Taiwan has made many notable additions to the field of food culture. One of its most recent _1_ is bubble tea. Although the exact origins of this tasty treat are still _2_---Hanlin Tea Room in Tainan or Chun Shui Tang Tea House in Taichung---there can be no doubt it was invented in Taiwan.

Hanlin claims the teahouse's owner created the drink in 1986 after observing white tapioca balls on sale at a local night market. _3_ they might make an intriguing addition to tea, he mixed the balls with tea and subsequently switched to using the black tapioca ones that are now commonly seen at the bottom of each drink. Chun Shui Tang, _4_, claims the drink was inspired by a visit to Japan in the 1980s. There its founder witnessed iced coffee being enjoyed by consumers for the first time. He returned to Taiwan determined to create a cool, refreshing drink for the Taiwan public, and his product development manager was able to realize his vision. It _5_ the shop's best-selling beverage.

Regardless of origin, bubble tea shops are now almost as popular in L.A. or Sydney as they are in Taipei.

(  ) 1. (A) contributions (B) ingredients            (C) guidelines              (D) landmarks

(  ) 2. (A) at risk            (B) under control         (C) beyond compare    (D) in dispute

(  ) 3. (A) To feel           (B) Feeling                  (C) Felt                        (D) To feeling

(  ) 4. (A) in the same way (B) on the whole     (C) on the other hand  (D) in other words

(  ) 5. (A) specializes     (B) remains                 (C) occupies                (D) achieves


The Mediterranean Diet, which consists mainly of seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and home-cooked meals, has long been considered the gold standard among fad diets. It may be time to move over for a new competitor, _1_, as the Nordic Diet is now considered by many to be just a cut above. Swedes, Danes, and other northern European residents are among the healthiest people on earth.

In fact, ingredients _2_ in the two cuisines are quite similar. One difference is a slightly greater emphasis on the consumption of fish and seafood in the Nordic Diet, at least three times per week. Eating wild foods---as opposed to farm-grown crops---is also encouraged. The most noticeable _3_, though, is the oil conventionally used in food preparation. In the Mediterranean Diet, olive oil is used almost exclusively while up north they make use of canola oil. Many in the medical profession give a slight edge to canola oil _4_ it seems to promote greater heart health.

Nordic people always rank very high on surveys of happiness and life _5_. A healthy diet is undoubtedly strongly connected with their positive attitude toward life.

(  )1. (A) therefore         (B) however                (C) similarly                (D) either

(  ) 2. (A) are used         (B) that used               (C) used                      (D) using

(  ) 3. (A) advantage      (B) identity                  (C) discipline               (D) contrast

(  ) 4. (A) as                   (B) though                  (C) in case                   (D) as long as

(  ) 5. (A) contentment   (B) responsibility        (C) foundation            (D) preference

II. 文意選填

The Banaue Rice Terraces, located on the northern Philippine island of Luzon are often labeled the "Eighth Wonder of the World." They were cut into the sides of mountains---largely by hand---by the ancestors of the current local inhabitants so that rice could be grown in areas that were otherwise impossible to _1_. By some _2_, they are believed to be nearly 2,000 years old. They are at the same time both stunningly beautiful and astonishingly practical.

They are also big business. Not only do the terraces produce tons of rice to _3_ and support local residents, they also produce swarms of visitors who pay big bucks in support of the flourishing tourist trade. Hotels, restaurants, and tour operators in the area have multiplied, all catering to overseas customers who wish to view the agricultural _4_. Locals, in fact, complain that their business is no longer wanted as priority is given to higher-paying _5_ guests.

Now, another potential crisis is _6_ these beloved terraces. Because of the superior salaries available in the hotel and tourism industry, few locals wish to pursue, life as a rice farmer. This, in turn, means there are fewer men willing to put in the necessary _7_ to keep the terraces in proper condition. Furthermore, a severe drought in 2010 caused the fields to dry up and caused tourists to stay away. Without the area's _8_ scenery, few visitors will come. Without the rice, locals will have little to eat. All interested parties need to come together and address the _9_.

In 1973, the Banaue Rice Terraces were _10_ a National Cultural Treasure by the former President Ferdinand Marcos. Their image also appears on the Philippine 20 peso note. Unfortunately, the future of this treasure is currently hanging in the balance.

(A) cultivate       (B) dilemma       (C) estimates       (D) feed              (E) foreign

(F) impressive    (G) maintenance (H) marvels        (I) recognized as (J) threatening

1. _____                    2. _____                    3. _____                    4. _____                    5. _____

6. _____                    7. _____                    8. _____                    9. _____                    10. _____

III. 篇章結構

Häagen-Dazs is a classic American success story. ___1___ And from these rather humble beginnings, Häagen-Dazs has grown into the iconic company it is today, one whose tasty products are now enjoyed by consumers all over the world.

___2___ Together, they started a small business selling ice cream and fruit ice from the back of a horse cart on the small side streets in the Bronx. Business blossomed and soon they began manufacturing their own ice cream and sold it in neighborhood stores. By 1929, Reuben and his mom had established Senator Frozen Products, a profitable enterprise that produced ice pops, chocolate-covered ice cream bars, and sandwiches.

In the 1950s, Reuben decided to begin producing more high-end products, so with his wife Rose, who also came from Europe, he founded Häagen-Dazs in 1961. The company name was an early example of foreign branding. ___3___ It worked. Consumers immediately loved these new treats-even though they didn't know that the name actually had no real meaning and belonged to no real language. It just sounded good. Häagen-Dazs was also one of the earliest companies to market their products as "all-natural." All in all, Reuben and Rose were quite smart advertisers.

While the company originally offered only three flavors---vanilla, chocolate, and coffee---more soon followed. So did the company's success. In 1976, Häagen-Dazs opened its first retail store in Brooklyn, and by the end of the 1970s they had close to 60 stores nationwide. In 1983, Mattus sold his ice cream business to the Pillsbury Company, a huge American food corporation, for $75 million. Under Pillsbury's direction, the company became the incredible international success that it remains today. ___4___ That's quite a long way from the back of a horse cart.

(A) Despite its foreign-sounding name, the company was in fact founded in the suburbs of New York City in 1961.

(B) Reuben Mattus and his mother moved to the U.S. from Poland in 1921.

(C) Häagen-Dazs shops are now found from Chicago to China, New York to New Zealand.

(D) This is a marketing strategy of employing a mysterious-sounding name to attract wealthier customers.

1. _____                          2. _____                          3. _____                    4. _____

IV. 閱讀測驗

In the 19th century, the potato was the staple food consumed by the Irish people, just as important as rice to the Chinese or wheat and corn to Americans. It was eaten at practically every meal, and the poorer you were, the more potatoes you consumed. Consequently, when the Irish Potato Famine occurred during the years 1845-52, peaking in 1848-49, the entire population was harshly affected, but the poorer members of society, the farmers and the laborers, suffered worst of all.

In 1845, the potato blight, a tiny microorganism, attacked the potato fields of Ireland and destroyed half of the harvest. This continued for several successive growing seasons until there were virtually no potatoes left to be consumed by the local population. At this time farmers only planted one variety of potato, which made the disease easier to spread. Also to make matters worse, at this time Ireland was controlled by England, so there was very little that locals could do to correct the problem. Compared to England, Ireland was a very poor, backward nation. Most farmland was owned by landlords in England and they were slow to react. The British government wasn't helpful either. In what proved to be a useless attempt to alleviate the problem, some corn was imported from the United States, but most of the Irish people were forced to eat grass, trees, and whatever else they could find.

The situation ended in disaster. Over one million people die as a result of starvation or disease. Another one million people left Ireland forever, most emigrating to the US, Canada, and other European countries. During this time, the population of Ireland declined by nearly 25%, dropping from 8.4 million people to 6.6 million. Relations between Ireland and England---never very good in the first place---only worsened. Many will tell you that relations have yet to recover to this day.

The Irish Potato Famine not only changed the face of Ireland, but also the face of western societies, as new Irish communities began to appear in the larger cities of the eastern US and Canada.

(  ) 1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

(A) To detail the history of the Irish Potato Famine.

(B) To explain the cause of the Irish Potato Famine.

(C) To explain the results of the Irish Potato Famine.

(D) To assign blame for the Irish Potato Famine.

(  ) 2. According to the passage, who was affected by the Irish Potato Famine?

(A) Poor people in Ireland.                    (B) Landlords in England.

(C) Large cities in the US and Canada.  (D) All of the Irish people.

(  ) 3. According to the passage, which of the following was NOT a cause of the famine?

(A) A small, bacteria-like organism.      (B)Poor weather conditions.

(C) Poor farming practices.                   (D)Uncaring landowners.

(  ) 4. According to the passage, which of the following was NOT a result of the famine?

(A) Mass starvation.

(B) Shrinking population.

(C) Growth of Irish neighborhoods abroad.

(D) Improved relationships between the Irish and British.

V. 混合題

Ranking: ★★                                            Not worth the wait...

After being closed for renovations for opened its doors once again. In my opinion about 3 months, the Bombay Bistro finally opened its doors once again. In my opinion, it wasn't worth the wait as the food, service, and décor are no better than before, and perhaps even worse. I adore Indian cuisine and had hoped the new BB could serve as my go-to option when craving a good curry or vindaloo. I guess I’ll have to go on looking.

Situated on a narrow lane between Baker and Hutton, Bombay Bistro is in a crowded neighborhood where parking has always been a problem. Last night I had the good fortune of finding an empty space across from the bistro, but that's where my good luck ended. As soon as you entered the restaurant, your ears and eyes are disturbed by Indian music that is too loud and lighting that is too dim. Just following the waiter to your table is a challenge. Ugly wall hangings straight from a Bombay night market adorn the walls. The new computer ordering system was undoubtedly a good investment, but what's the point if the staff are incapable of using it properly?

BB serves vegetarian dishes prepared in the north Indian style and the menu looks diverse and appealing. Much to my disappointment, the aloo gobi I ordered offered neither the delicious flavors nor fresh, colorful vegetables associated with an Indian meal. In fact, the cauliflower looked frozen, and this really bothered me. The only saving grace to the meal was my beverage, a mango lassi. Sweet, sour, and very, very refreshing.

As all of you know, there are few alternatives for those coveting Indian food. I had hoped that the new Bombay Bistro would expand our options. Unfortunately, after last night's meal, I will continue to be a patron of A Taste of India around the corner on Baker St. I recommend you all do the same.

(  ) 1. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the authors attitude towards the Bombay Bistro?

(A) Unexpected.         (B) Uninformed.              (C) Unimpressed.        (D) Unsure.

(  ) 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about the Bombay Bistro?

(A) The chicken curry was not to the writer's taste.

(B) The restaurant's atmosphere was warm and attractive.

(C) The writer enjoyed his drink, but little else.

(D) The waiters were well-trained and polite.

3. Where is the Bombay Bistro located? Write down the WHOLE phrase on the answer sheet.


4. The words on the left below come from the passage. Write down words or phrases from the text that have the same meaning.

Original word

Word or phrase with the same meaning








1. adorn  v. 裝飾

2. advertiser  n. 廣告商

3. agricultural  adj. 農業的

4. alternative  n. 選擇;可供選擇的東西adj. 替代的;另類的

5. appealing  adj. 吸引人的

6. atmosphere  n. 氣氛

7. best-selling  adj. 暢銷的

8. beverage  n. 飲料

9. consume  v. 消費;吃喝

10. consumer  n. 消費者

11. consumption  n. 消耗;消費

12. covet  v. 渴望;垂延

13. cuisine  n. 烹飪;烹調;菜餚

14. cultivate  v. 栽種;培育

15. customer  n. 顧客

16. diet  n. 飲食

17. dish  n. 一道菜;碟子

18. diverse  adj. 多樣的

19. drought  n. 乾旱

20. estimate  n. v. 估計

21. famine  n. 饑荒

22. feed  v. 餵養;提供食物

23. flavor  n. 味道;風味

24. frozen  adj. 冷凍的

25. harvest  n. 收穫;收成

26. health  n. 健康

27. home-cooked  adj. 家常的

28. import  v. 進口

29. ingredient  n. 成分

30. label  v. 貼標籤n. 標籤

31. local  n. 本地人adj. 本地的

32. manufacture  v. 生產;製造

33. origin  n. 來源;起源

34. refreshing  adj. 涼爽的;令人感到清新的

35. seasonal  adj. 季節性的

36. starvation  n. 飢餓

37. tasty  adj. 可口的

38. treat  n. 樂事享受

39. variety  n. 品種;種類

40. vegetarian  adj. 素食的n. 素食主義者


1. adore  n. 熱愛;崇拜

2. current  adj. 當前的;目前的

3. destroy  v. 破壞

4. emphasis  n. 強調

5. expand  v. 增加;擴大

6. occur  v. 發生

7. recognize  v. 認可;認出


1. as opposed to…  而不是

2. belong to…  屬於

3. consist of…  組成;構成

4. in my opinion  依我之見

5. make use of…  使用;利用

6. mix… with… 混合

7. on sale 上市;銷售

8. regardless of…  不管;不顧

9. serve as… 當作

