2021年8月16日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 2.4



1. make + O + OC (Adj/N)


此為五大基本句型中“S + Vt + O + OC”的用法。make為「不完全及物動詞」,接受詞後語意仍不完整,所以受詞後須加上形容詞或名詞作受詞補語,來說明受詞的狀態、性質。其它常見的「不完全及物動詞」有:

1. 表示「稱呼」的動詞,如callname等。

2. 表示「認為、覺得」的動詞,如considerfind等。

3. 表示「使處於……狀態」的動詞,如keepleave等。

4. 感官動詞如seehearfeel等。

5. 表示「希望」的動詞,如wish等。



1. Some governments have made the use of camera phones illegal in certain public places.


2. Everybody should make recycling an important part of life.


3. Gary considered the pie tasty. (Gary認為這個派很美味。)


2. S + V... + so that + S + Aux + V....


1. so that為從屬連接詞,引導表「目的」的子句,作為「為了……」、「以便……」或是「好讓……」之意。注意,so that前不可加逗點。

2. 此句型中,so that也等同於in order that,不過後者較為正式。



1. Lady Godiva asked her husband to lower the taxes so that the local people could have time for art.

(Lady Godiva請求她的丈夫降低稅金,好讓當地人民能有欣賞藝術的時間。)

2. Turn down the radio so that the neighbors won’t be disturbed.


3. Father put on his glasses so that he could read the newspaper clearly.

→ Father put on his glasses in order that he could read the newspaper clearly.



3. not only...but also...             不但……而且……


not only...but also... 為對等連接詞,兩者後面須接同一詞類,表示「不但……而且……」之意。



1. The paparazzi not only secretly take pictures of famous people, but also pry into their personal lives.


2. Roy is not only a great pianist but also a well-known composer.


3. On Saturday, Emma not only did the laundry but also cleaned up the house.



4. S + have/has/had + a hard time/difficulty/trouble + (in) V-ing



1. S + don’t/doesn’t/didn’t + have + a hard time + (in) V-ing

2. S + has/have/had + no + difficulty/trouble + (in) V-ing



1. Most of the local people had a hard time (in) making a living.


2. Jacob may have difficulty (in) finishing his work on time.


3. Debra didn’t have a hard time (in) living on her own.

→ Debra had no difficulty (in) living on her own.



5. S1 + demand + that + S2 (+ should) + V....


1. 此句型用以表示「要求…… (應該……)」,that子句中的that不可省略,但should可省略,並注意省略後,動詞仍須以原形動詞的形式出現。

2. 除了demand之外,此句型適用於表達「建議」(suggestadvise)、「堅持」(insist)、「命令」(order)及「要求」(require)的動詞。

3. 子句如須表達否定意義,則把not加在原形動詞之前。



1. Some governments demand that camera phones (should) meet certain requirements. (一些政府要求照像手機應該符合某些特定的要求。)

2. Linda suggested that we (should) take a walk after dinner.


3. Tim’s doctor required that he (should) not smoke.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. Eating too much fast food has made Derek _____.

(A) fatness              (B) being fat               (C) fat boy              (D) a fat boy

( ) 2. Janet closed the door _____ she wouldn’t be bothered by the loud music outside.

(A) so that              (B) and that                (C) in order to        (D) even if

( ) 3. The boss demands that every worker _____ to work on Saturdays.

(A) came                (B) come                     (C) coming             (D) to come

( ) 4. Olivia had trouble _____ a new apartment near her office.

(A) found                (B) finding                  (C) in find               (D) to find

( ) 5. Danny not only ate the whole pizza but also _____ several cans of cola.

(A) drinks               (B) drinking                (C) drank                (D) drunk


II. 配合題:從下列框中選出最適當的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ...fixing her computer in one day.

(B) ...so that I can go to your party.

(C) ...but also writes songs.

(D) ...tell her everything about the accident.

(E) ...in order that I could keep warm outside.

____ 1. I put on my heavy coat...

____ 2. Vincent told Sarah he had difficulty in...

____ 3. Jamie not only sings beautifully...

____ 4. The police officer demanded that the man...

____ 5. I decide not to work this Saturday...


III. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. Zoe has no a hard time getting along with her new classmates;

                                              (A)             (B)

she has made many friends quickly.


( ) ____________ 2. I slowed down so as to the car behind me could pass.

                                                (A)      (B)                    (C)

( ) ____________ 3. The Internet has made shopping at home possibly, and some

                                       (A)            (B)

people consider it a convenient way.


( ) ____________ 4. The doctor demanded that the patient takes the medicine every

                              (A)    (B)          (C)

six hours.

( ) ____________ 5. Renee lent me not only her favorite shoes but also lent her

                                (A)                   (B)   (C)

beautiful dress.


IV. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. Charlie 不僅嘲笑別人,還欺負他的同學。

Charlie ____________ ____________ enjoys making fun of others ____________ ____________ bullies his classmates.

2. 我的祖父要求全家在除夕時團聚在一起。

My grandfather d____________ that all the family ____________ together on every New Year’s Eve.

3. 這些男孩沒辦法保持安靜超過五分鐘。

These boys have ____________ in k____________ ____________ for more than five minutes.

4. Karen搬到臺北,以便能找到更好的工作。

Karen moved to Taipei ____________ ____________ she could find a better job.

5. 穿這雙鞋似乎讓你更有魅力。

Wearing this pair of shoes seems to ____________ you more a ____________.


