2021年8月16日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 2.3



1. get/grow/become + Adj





1. More and more Asians are eating fast food and getting fat fast.


2. The weather grows colder and colder. (天氣變得愈來愈冷了。)

3. Henry has become much friendlier in the past few months.



2. ...N + why/when/where + S + V...


1. 此句型介紹關係副詞whywhen以及where。關係副詞兼具連接詞及副詞兩種功能,用來引導結構完整的形容詞子句,以修飾前面的先行詞。why修飾表「理由、原因」的先行詞,when則修飾表「時間」的先行詞,而where修飾表「地點」的先行詞。

2. 「關係副詞 = 介系詞 + 關係代名詞」,why = for whichwhen = at/in/on/during which,而where = at/in/on/from which。所以關係副詞直接置於先行詞之後,其前面不加任何介系詞。

3. 當關係子句結構完整時須使用關係副詞;但若關係子句結構不完整時,則須使用關係代名詞。



1. There are two main reasons why fast food is popular among Asians.


2. This is the box where I keep my rings.

→ This is the box in which I keep my rings. (這是我收納戒指的盒子。)

3. I still remember the days when I spent with you. (×)

→ I still remember the days which/that I spent with you. (○)



3. ...who(m)/why/what/when/where/how + S (+ Aux) + V...


1. 此句型介紹「間接問句」的用法,間接問句須以直述句的語序呈現,不必倒裝。疑問詞引導的名詞子句常作為動詞的受詞。

2. 疑問詞whowhom表示「人」,why表示「理由」,what表示「事物」,when表示「時間」,where表示「地方」,而how表示「方法」。

3. 間接問句的標點符號須視主要子句而定,主要子句若為直述句時,須以句點結尾;若為疑問句,則以問號結尾。



1. Here is an example of how eating fast food can damage one’s health.


2. Everybody is guessing where the stranger is from.


3. Do you know how I can get to that market? (你知道我該如何去那個市場嗎?)


4. according to           據……所說


1. according to後面接研究報告、紀錄或人(的想法)等,表示「據……所說,據……所載」,用來支持說話者自己的論點或意見。但注意後面接的必須是來自「他人」的說法,而非自己的,所以according to my opinion是錯誤的說法,正確的應為in my opinion

2. according to 後面也可以接規則、計畫、說明等,表示「根據,按照」之意。作此用法時,多將according to置於句中。



1. According to a study, people who eat fast food more than twice a week are at least 4 kilograms heavier than those who eat it less than once a week.


2. According to Nick, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are going to have a baby.


3. Is everything going smoothly according to plan so far?



5. in order to             為了……


此用法表達「目的」,可置於句首或句中,後須接原形動詞,且常省略in order,而只用to + V來表示「為了……」。in order to亦可以 so as to代換使用,但so as to通常不置於句首。



1. Some fast-food restaurants are now offering salads and fresh fruit in order to attract more customers.


2. In order to catch the first train, we had better start off early.

To catch the first train, we had better start off early.


3. On my way home, I stopped at a supermarket in order to buy some fruit.

→ On my way home, I stopped at a supermarket so as to buy some fruit.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. I went to the library in order to _____ a quiet place to study.

(A) have                   (B) had                  (C) having             (D) be having

( ) 2. After quitting smoking, John becomes _____.

(A) healthily                                          (B) more health

(C) more healthily                                 (D) healthier

( ) 3. I would like to live in a place _____ there is a lot of sunshine.

(A) when                  (B) where              (C) which              (D) how

( ) 4. Hank made me guess _____ today.

(A) whom did he meet                           (B) whom he met

(C) he met whom                                   (D) he did meet whom

( ) 5. The food is delicious, but I can’t eat anymore. I’m getting _____.

(A) fully                   (B) to full              (C) full                  (D) more fully


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. When I get excitement, my heart beats faster and faster.

                                                  (A)   (B)                      (C)

( ) ____________ 2. I don’t know how many fish are there in the river.

                                                  (A)    (B)         (C)

( ) ____________ 3. Sean couldn’t find out the reason when Tina stopped talking to

                                       (A)    (B)              (C)


( ) ____________ 4. According to my opinion, Ian is the kindest person that I have

                      (A)                       (B)         (C)

ever met.

( ) ____________ 5. So as to make more money, Ester takes three part-time jobs.

                    (A)   (B)  (C)


III. 重組句子:重組下列的字詞使成為合乎語法的句子。

1. am/how far/I/wondering/Mike/run/can


2. knows/Frank/No one/is going/where


3. in/I/was/born/which/is/the town/This


4. sold/get/some money/in order to/The woman/her ring


5. me/why/Tell/go to school/yesterday/didn’t/you/the reason



IV. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 老師根據學生的身高將他們分成三組。

The teacher divided the students into three groups ____________ ____________ their height.

2. Daisy吃很多蔬菜水果是為了擁有完美的皮膚。

Daisy eats lots of fruit and vegetables s____________ ____________ ____________ have perfect skin.

3. 因為天色漸漸變暗,所以我們就離開公園回家了。

Because the sky ____________ ____________ ____________, we left the park and went home.

4. 我們想要知道她如何能夠獨自完成這項工作。

We want to know ____________ ____________ ____________ finish the work by herself.

5. 我永遠都不會忘記我舅舅離開我們的那一天。

I will never forget ____________ ____________ ____________ my uncle left us.


