2021年8月31日 星期二

B5U1 The Island Made of the Sea



P1Welcome to the latest episode of Island Explorers! As we know, Taiwan is an island, so the ocean plays a significant role in the culture of Taiwan. In this episode, we drove along Taiwan's beautiful coastline to experience this ocean culture.

1. episode [`Ep1&sod] n. [C] 一集 (節目)  (a part of a video, television, or radio series)

Sara spent one month watching every episode of Stranger Things on Netflix.

2. coastline [`kost&laIn] n. [C] 海岸線  (the land along a coast)

The railway is built along the coastline and has a wonderful view of the sea.


There + be + N + V–ing/Vpp....


1. 主動 / 被動 There are different gods worshipped in Taiwan.

2. 主動 / 被動 There are some ships sailing along the beautiful coastline.

3. 主動 / 被動 There was one person injured in this accident.



1. 表示「某地有某物」或「人或事物的存在」,常翻譯成「有……」。

2. 真正的主詞是 be 動詞後的名詞,單複數變化由該名詞決定。

3. 為現在分詞片語 (N + V­ing) 及過去分詞片語 (N + Vpp) 的延伸句型。

¿ There is an apple falling from the tree.

¿ There is a man hit by the apple.


1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________


Let’s Try!

A. 根據句型與提示,完成句子。

1. The book was almost blank.                                        (only a few notes / write) in it.

2. The doctor will have a very busy day.                                (many patients / wait) to see him in the waiting room.

3. A robbery(搶劫) occurred this morning.                              (ten expensive watches / steal)

4.                            (a red car / park) in front of our house. Maybe Uncle Joseph has come to visit us.

5.                            (a lot of people / travel) during the vacation. Many popular tourist destinations were very crowded.


B. Joyce為校刊社設計了一個問卷,調查學生如何運用暑假時間。根據調查結果及句型,回答問題。第一題為範例。

1. How many students took this survey?

There were 91 students taking this survey.                        

2. How many kinds of activities were listed in this survey?


3. How many female students went to other countries?


4. How many male students got part­time jobs?


5. How many students learned new languages?


P2We left Taipei in the morning to set out on our journey to Gongliao. There are stone houses standing for hundreds of years. Due to the fierce seasonal winds there, the houses in Gongliao had to be constructed with strong materials, like stones, to prevent them from collapsing. We asked an elderly man for more details about these buildings. “Did you notice the thick walls and windows? The thick walls are meant to block the waves. However, if seawater floods into the house, the people inside can get out through the windows in the back of the building,” he told us. In order to stay alive, humans always have to adapt to nature, and these stone houses are great examples of this.

3. fierce [fIrs] adj. 狂暴的,猛烈的  (very strong or harsh)

The government has announced that all of the schools and offices will be closed tomorrow due to the fierce typhoon.

4. construct [k1n`str^kt] vt. 建造  (to build something)

The owner of the baseball team is planning to construct a new stadium because the present one is quite old.

construction [k1n`str^kS1n] n. [U] 建造

This famous church has been under construction for over 130 years.

5. collapse [k1`l8ps] vi. 倒塌  (to break down suddenly)

The building collapsed because of the strong earthquake.

6. detail [`ditel] n. [C] 細節  (a small feature of something)

The students are taking notes of all the details of the project in order to do it correctly.

7. adapt [`f8sN&et] vi.; vt. 適應  (to change in order to be familiar with a new situation)

When Emily studied abroad, it took her several weeks to adapt to the new environment.

vt. 改編  (to change a book, play, film, etc. into another form)

The video game Detention was adapted for the movie. Both versions have been very successful.

1. set out 啟程  (to begin a journey)

We will set out on our trip to Yilan tomorrow.

2. be meant to 用於,意在  (to be planned to do something)

The new policy is meant to take care of the elderly who live alone.

P3Next, we traveled to Wanggong. It is famous for oyster*(n. [C] 牡蠣) farming, and visitors can taste a wide variety of oyster dishes here. We ordered an oyster omelet* (n. [C] 蚵仔煎), oyster thin noodles, and crispy fried oysters for lunch. They were all super delicious! After finishing our meal, we went to see sculptures made of the oyster shells. There were also some walls decorated by these shells. These works of art combined nature, creativity, and recycling in a brilliant way! Though Wanggong is a small village, it allows visitors to experience the special oyster­farming industry completely. No wonder so many people recommend this place.

8. crispy [`krIspI] adj. 酥脆的  (pleasantly hard)

Tyler loves eating potato chips because of the crispy taste.

9. sculpture [`sk^lptS2] n. [C][U] 雕塑,雕像  (an object made by a specific material)

David is one of the most famous sculptures in the world.

10. combine [k1m`baIn] vt.; vi. 結合,合併  (to put things together)

The two smaller elementary schools were combined with each other because they didn't have enough students.

combination [&kAmb1`neS1n] n. [C] 結合

This dessert is a great combination of chocolate and banana.

11. brilliant [`brIlj1nt] adj. 出色的  (extremely good)

Evan was elected captain of the team for his brilliant leadership.


同位語:N + that 子句


1. Ryan has a belief that hard work will pay off.

2. Vicky proposed the idea that we should combine two events to save some money.

3. We were all shocked at the news that the tall building had collapsed because of the earthquake.

1. 當補充說明名詞時,可以在名詞後面加上that子句,當作同位語使用。

2. that子句當同位語時,that不可省略。

¿ We were shocked by the news that a scary accident happened.


1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

Let’s Try!

A. 根據句型與提示,重組句子。

1. I heard                                          (the rumor / our manager / that / is planning to) leave the company.

2.                                          (Mary didn't return / The fact / my book / that) made me angry.

3. Most people have                                          (the concept / Chinese people / invented fortune cookies / that) but it is far from the truth.

4. In Taiwan, people have                                        (that / the person / the belief / will leave us) after receiving the shoes.

5. Jay is very optimistic because he has                                

          (that / the hope / there is / always a silver lining).

B. Vera閱讀雜誌後,將學到的新知識寫在讀書心得裡。根據文意及句型,完成文章。

Last week, I learned some health knowledge from the magazine. For example, fast food companies have added lighter food items such as salad and yogurt to their menus. However, I was surprised at the fact 1         than they were 30 years ago. What's more, even though meatless burgers are quite popular nowadays, the thought 2         than regular ones may not be true. The main concern is that the amount of sodium () in meatless burgers is higher than we thought.

I also read another piece of news 3        . I have had sleep problem for a long time, so I read it closely. The idea 4         helped me a lot. The author also told readers to be aware of the fact 5         . We should control the time we spend on technology in order to take a good rest.


(A) that breathing exercises can reduce stress

(B) that meatless burgers are healthier

(C) that their menus are actually less healthy

(D) that technology can increase stress

(E) that stress could affect sleep quality


P4Our final destination was Donggang. We traveled there to take part in the Royal Lord Festival. People in the past launched this festival to worship Wangye, the god of the sea and plague*(n. [U] 瘟疫). Nowadays, this festival has become one of the biggest ocean events in Taiwan. In the months before the festival, shipbuilders*(n. [C] 造船匠) worked together to make a beautiful, enormous King Boat. Town residents and fishermen all contributed to this event. The festival reached its climax on the last day: The King Boat was set on fire as a type of prayer for peace and safety. How spectacular the scene was! This festival reflects the idea that local people and their beliefs are strongly connected to the ocean.

12. destination [&dEst1`neS1n] n. [C] 目的地,終點  (a place someone is going to)

London is a popular tourist destination. Millions of people visit here every year.

13. worship [`w2SIp] vt.; vi. 崇拜,敬仰  (worship–worshipped–worshipped)  (to show respect to someone or something as supernatural power)

In some ancient cultures, people worshipped whales, which were considered to be the kings of the ocean.

14. enormous [I`nOrm1s] adj. 巨大的  SYN huge  (extremely big)

► Sean made an enormous cake. It could feed 50 people.

15. contribute [k1n`trIbjut] vt.; vi. 貢獻,捐助  (to give time or money to help something)

Many volunteers contributed their time to the beach clean­up event.

contribution [&kAntr1`bjuS1n] n. [C] 貢獻,捐助

The library was named after Ms. Chen in order to honor her contribution to education.

16. climax [`klaIm8ks] n. [C] 高潮  (the most exciting part)

The climax of the movie occurred when the police officer finally found the missing boy.

17. spectacular [spEk`t8kj1l2] adj. 壯觀的  (very impressive)

After climbing up the mountain for over three hours, we finally reached the top and enjoyed a spectacular view.

18. reflect [rI`flEkt] vt. 反映  (to show something)

Jessie always arranges her schedule carefully, and it reflects how organized she is.

reflection [rI`flEkS1n] n. [C] 反映

This novel is a reflection of Tainan in the 1930s. It includes lots of details such as people's clothing and the view of the city.

3. set sth on fire 使……燃燒  (to make something burning)

The candle on the table dropped and set the carpet on fire.

P5We've come to the end of this episode. Thank you for joining us. Here is some news that these places are facing different challenges. Go to the box below to find out more. Please give us a like and subscribe to our channel. Comment below to share your thoughts, and watch other episodes of Island Explorers. See you next time!

19. subscribe [s1b`skraIb] vi. 訂閱  (to pay money to get a service)

William decides to subscribe to the music streaming service so that he can listen to a lot of music and podcasts.

20. channel [`tS8nL] n. [C] 頻道  (a broadcasting station)

The soccer tournament will be broadcast on this sports channel tonight.

4. find out 了解發現  (to get a piece of information or fact)

Winnie began to cry when she found out that her friends had lied to her for years.


