2021年8月19日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 2.7



1. ...the + Adj-est (+ N)...


1. 形容詞最高級用於「三者或三者以上」的比較,有「最……的」的意思。

2. 形容詞最高級前面須加上定冠詞the

3. 單音節或部分多音節的形容詞字尾加上-est 以形成最高級;而其他多音節的形容詞則在前面加上most以形成最高級。



1. Taiwan produces some of the finest saxophones and bicycles in the world.

2. Richard is the most popular (student) in our class.

3. Taipei 101 is the tallest building in Taiwan. (臺北101是臺灣最高的建築物。)


2. ...N, who/whom/which...,





1. Zhang shared his knowledge with other Houli residents, who then opened their own saxophone factories.

2. Jane, whom Mark falls in love with, is very tall.

3. The Italian restaurant, which offers high-quality food, is very expensive.


3. nothing/little more than + N                 不過是……
nothing less than/short of + N             



1. nothing/little more than = nothing but = only,表示「不過是……,只是……」。

2. nothing less thannothing short of 則為「簡直是……,無異於……」的意思。



1. In the past, people believed that Taiwan was nothing/little more than a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

2. Be careful! That man who is trying to make you buy things is nothing/little more than a liar! (小心!那個試著要你買東西的男人不過是個騙子!)

3. This project was nothing less than a disaster. It had made our company lose about five million dollars.


4. V-ing/Vpp + N





1. Zhang Lian-chang received a damaged saxophone and repaired it.

2. The stolen car was found by the police. (失竊的車子已經被警方找到了。)

3. Keep the boiling water out of children’s reach.


5. S + be + said + to V....
→ It + is/was + said (+ that) + S + V....


1. 此句型用來表示「不是很精確的推論或看法」,作「據說……」解。由於述說或主張該言論的主事者不清楚,或是主事者不重要,故使用被動語態。常用於此句型的字還有believeconsider,分別表示「一般相信……」和「被認為……」。

2. 此句型也可改成以虛主詞it代替原本的主詞,並以that引導子句,但that常可省略。



1. Giant is said to be the most stolen brand of bicycle in Shanghai, China.
It is said (that) Giant is the most stolen brand of bicycle in Shanghai, China.


2. Friday the 13th is believed to be an unlucky day.
It is believed (that) Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.


3. Halloween was considered to be a serious festival in the past.
It was considered (that) Halloween was a serious festival in the past.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. Judy’s mother _____ is 70 years old, goes hiking every weekend.

(A) who                    (B) that                    (C) , who                  (D) , that

( ) 2. Grace is _____ girl in my family.

(A) lazy                    (B) lazier                 (C) laziest                (D) the laziest

( ) 3. Mr. Edward _____ you met just now, speaks Chinese well.

(A) whom                (B) that                    (C) , which               (D) , whom

( ) 4. There are a lot of _____ leaves on the ground.

(A) fall                     (B) fell                     (C) falling                (D) fallen

( ) 5. Red _____ to be a lucky color in Chinese culture.

(A) is                        (B) says                    (C) is saying            (D) is said


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ___________ 1. Father will fix the breaking window after eating dinner.

(A)              (B)                              (C)

( ) ___________ 2. This is the terriblest accident that Tom has ever experienced.

                                               (A)     (B)                    (C)

( ) ___________ 3. My sister, that you met last year, is going to visit us next week.

                                                    (A)         (B)                    (C)

( ) ___________ 4. It considers that this movie has become one of the modern

                                 (A)    (B)                                                     (C)


( ) ___________ 5. Victor’s behavior was nothing short than rudeness, so Sally got

                                                                          (A)         (B)

very angry with him.



III. 句型練習:依據提示字改寫或合併句子。

1. Everyone in my family is shorter than my younger brother.
...the + Adj-est (+ N)... 改寫)


2. No one in the company is more beautiful than Amelia.
...the + Adj-est (+ N)... 改寫)


文字方塊: (以非限定關係子句合併)3.    Mr. Johnson is very kind and patient.

Mr. Johnson is my math teacher.


文字方塊: (以非限定關係子句合併)4.    Pan’s chocolate cake is very delicious.

Pan’s chocolate cake is my favorite.


5. Many people believe that the old house has ghosts.

(S + be + believed + to V.... 改寫)



IV. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 聖母峰是世界上最高的山。

Mount Everest is ____________ ____________ mountain in the world.

2. 據說這個老女人曾經是個女巫。

It ____________ ____________ ____________ the old woman was a witch.

3. 這位作家最暢銷的書,得了許多獎的那本,即將要被拍成一部電影。

The author’s best-selling book, ____________ has won many awards, is going to be made into a movie.

4. 不要這麼生氣。這只不過是個無傷大雅的玩笑。

Don’t be so mad. This is ____________ ____________ ____________ a harmless joke.

5. 這位媽媽正試著以一個唱歌的娃娃安撫哭泣的寶寶。

The mother is trying to comfort her ____________ baby with a ____________ doll.


