2021年8月31日 星期二

B1U1 The First Day of School Around the World


Unit 1  The First Day of School Around the World


魏延斌 老師 編授





Warm Up

Time Capsule Letter


1. 你想要三年後的自己是什麼樣子?

2. 到那個時候,你想要實現哪些目標與夢想?

3. 你預計你高中時期要做的一件最棒的事是什麼?

Dear Future Me,







當你完成給自己的信時,記得寫上你的名字與日期。然後,把信放到信封裡並封起來。在信封上寫下「To  (你的英文名字). To be opened on  (預計開啟的日期).」接著,把這封信放到安全隱密的地方。此後,要記得努力實踐你寫下來的目標。最後,於三年後重讀這封給你自己的信。


time capsule 時光膠囊


為協助高中新生銜接國中的學習,本套書第一冊第一次段考範圍的作答說明為中文,若學生程度良好,教師可提供英文版之作答說明給學生。以下為本課Warm Up之英文版說明語:

     When is the last time you wrote a letter to yourself? How long has it been since you seriously thought about your goals for the next few years? It’s time to take some time and think about your future. Write a time capsule letter of 50-80 words to your future self three years from now. What would you like to say to yourself? Here are some questions you need to think about to help you decide what to write. As you write the letter, you can think about what steps you will have to take to make these things happen. 

1. What do you want your future self to be like three years from now?

2. What are some of the goals and dreams you want to realize by then?

3. What is one amazing thing you expect to do while you are in senior high school?

     Once you have finished your letter, write your name and the date on it. Then, put your letter in an envelope and seal it. On the cover, write “To ________ (your name). To be opened on ________ (date).” Next, put the envelope in a safe place. After this, be sure to work on the goals that you have written about. Finally, open and read your letter three years from now.

     You can also use FutureMe.org, a service on the Internet that can send this letter to your email address at any point in the future.





Dear Future Me,


Hello, my future self. Three years have now passed. Are you maturer than I am right now? I hope you have learned to be a responsible person and are still open to your parents’ suggestions. Do you remember when you entered high school, you were determined to study hard and get admitted into a top university? Have you achieved these goals? You also promised yourself that you would make some wonderful memories in the street-dance club. Have you done anything really cool these past three years? I hope that you will enjoy reading this letter, since it has been fun for me to write it to you. Have a wonderful future!





Read About It

Paragraphs 1-2:


The writer gives background information, such as what the story talks about and where the story happens, in the beginning.

What does the story talk about?

Where does the story happen?

Paragraph 3:

Main Idea:

The writer specifies what the target that he exactly discusses is.

What is the target that the writer wants to discuss?

Paragraphs 4-5:


The writer gives clear examples to help readers understand the topic better.

How many examples can you find in the passage?

Paragraph 6:


The writer raises questions and leads readers to think about them.

What is the question that the writer asked at the end of the passage?


1  For two months every summer, many high school buildings around the world are quiet. You can walk down an empty hallway ([`hOl&we] n. [C] 走廊), and the only sound that you hear is your own footsteps ([`f5t&stEp] n. [C] (usu. pl.)腳步聲).

1  在夏天有兩個月,世界各地許多高中的大樓都安靜無聲。你可能會走過一條淨空的走廊,而你聽見的唯一聲響是你自己的腳步聲。

Main idea During summer vacations, the high school campus is empty and quiet.

1 . . . around the world are quiet.

Ü During summer vacations, students in the world don’t have to go to school, so the buildings in the school are quiet.

 around the world/all over the world/across the globe 世界各地

◊ Anderson’s latest book is about wedding traditions around the world.








adj. having no people or things inside 空的

n The kids enjoyed the meal so much that only empty plates were left on the table.


vt. (emptied, emptied, emptying) 使變空,清空

n You can empty your water bottle here, since you cannot take water on board.


2 . . . the only sound that you hear . . .
Ü Because it is very quiet, you can only hear your own footsteps.

 that為關係代名詞,此處當受詞使用,可以省略。關於限定關代用法,請見本課句型解析。

2  However, this changes when a new school year begins, and these buildings are filled with activity once again. At this time, students return to school, talk with their friends, meet their new teachers, and get ready to learn again. Indeed, the first day of high school is a fresh start for everyone. For most students, it’s exciting.

2 然而,這情形在新的一學年開始時改變了,這些大樓再次充滿了活躍的氣息。在這個時候,學生們返回學校,和他們的朋友聊天、和他們的新老師碰面,並準備開始學習。的確,高中的第一天對每個人而言是個嶄新的開始。對多數的學生來說,這是令人興奮的。

Main idea When teachers and students return to school, they may feel very excited.

3 However, . . . are filled with activity . . .
Ü When the new semester starts, students return to school, so the campus becomes lively again.

 be filled with N/be full of N 充滿了

◊ Mr. Wu’s class is always filled with laughter.





 n. [U] a situation in which many things are happening or being done 活躍,熱鬧

n In winter, Zermatt is usually full of activity because thousands of   people visit this town to go skiing every year.  在冬天,策馬特通常都很熱鬧,因為每年數千人會造訪這座小鎮來滑雪。

n. [C] (usu. pl.) a thing that is done for a purpose or to achieve a goal (為達成某目的而進行的)活動

n The teacher designed some fun activities for his students in order to get them more interested in learning. 這位老師為他的學生設計了一些有趣的活動,以使他們對學習更有興趣。

4 At this time, . . . it’s exciting.

Ü Most students are excited about going back to school and meeting their teachers and classmates after the long vacation.

 at this time/at this moment (in time) 在當下此刻

◊ I can’t give you a definite answer at this time. Please come back three days later.

◊ The price of gold always goes up at this moment in time.





adv. really, often used to emphasize what has just been said 的確

n We all like Andy. He is very popular indeed in our class.



Paragraphs 1-2:

What does the story talk about?




The first day of school is a fresh start for everyone, and schools hold different activities to make the day exciting.

Where does the story happen?


第一段第一句就以high school buildings破題,可見本文主要描述的是發生在高中校園裡的事。


The story happens on high school campus.


3  But for first-year students, the first day of high school can be a challenge because they are given a new class schedule in an unfamiliar building. This can be a little scary. After all, not everyone can easily fit in at a new school. Due to these concerns, teachers around the world try to make their new students feel welcome on the first day of high school.

3 但是對一年級生而言,高中的第一天可能是個挑戰,因為他們會在一棟陌生的大樓拿到一份新的功課表。這可能有點可怕。畢竟,並非每個人都可以輕易地適應新學校。由於這些憂慮,世界各地的老師便試著使他們的學生在上學的第一天感受到歡迎。

Main idea The first day of school can make first-year students feel afraid, so teachers around the world think of ways to welcome their new students.









n. [C] something difficult that tests one’s ability, strength, or skill 挑戰

n The task is a big challenge for Sandra. She will have to work harder to finish it.  任務Sandra來說是一大挑戰。她必須更努力工作來完成它。

vt. 考驗(技術或能力)

n These math problems are a piece of cake for me. They don’t really challenge me at all.  這些數學問題對我來說只是小菜一碟。它們真的完全沒考倒我。

vt. 對…質疑、懷疑

n The news report challenged many people’s beliefs about the   safety of the new factory.










n. [C] a plan that lists the things to be done and the time to do them 計畫表,日程表

n Cindy has a busy schedule this week, so she cannot join us for dinner tonight.  Cindy這週行程很忙碌,所以她今晚不能參與我們的晚餐聚會。

vt. 為…安排時間,將…預定下來

n The meeting is scheduled for Friday from 10 to 12 o’clock. Be sure to arrive on time.  這場會議預定於星期五早上十點至十二點進行。一定要準時到達。







adj. not known or not experienced often 不熟的,陌生的

n Most of the time, I feel uneasy when I enter an unfamiliar place. 大多數時候,當我進入一個陌生場所時,我會感到不自在。

adj. 熟悉的

n The musician is so famous that his face is very familiar to the public. 





adj. (infml.) (scarier | scariest) making someone feel frightened 


n Rita didn’t sleep well last night because she saw a scary movie and had bad dreams.









n. [C] something that worries someone 擔心,憂慮

n The environmentalist has raised concerns about climate change, so he encouraged people to save energy.  這位環保人士對氣候變遷表示擔憂,所以他提倡人們節約能源。

vt. 使擔心

n Karen has lost a lot of weight recently, and this really concerns her parents. 


1. after all used when explaining something or giving a reason 畢竟

n Don’t be sad about losing the game. After all, we did our best.


2. fit in to belong to a group, place, or situation and go well with it 適應

n Tommy fits in quite well at his new job. He is used to his work and has made a couple of friends. 


3. due to . . .  because of someone or something 因為…,由於…

n Due to the typhoon, the airport was forced to close, and all the flights were canceled.



5 . . . can be a challenge because they are given a new class schedule in an unfamiliar building. This can be a little scary. After all, not everyone can easily fit in at a new school.

Ü Freshmen may feel scared on the first day of high school because they have to stay in a whole new environment with people they don’t know yet.

 can/may/might + VR可以表對現在事情的推測,機率約為五到六成,此處的can be a challenge解釋為「可能會是一項挑戰」;can be a little scary解釋為「可能會有點嚇人」。

sb be given sth = sth be given to sb 某人拿到某物、某物給某人

◊ A form was given to every test taker. They needed to fill out the form before taking the test.

ƒ not everyone/every N . . . 並非每個人/每一個

◊ Not every student knows how to use this machine.



not all/both . . .並非全部都/並非兩者都,為部分否定,表「有/,有/則否」,例:

◊ Not all my friends live in Taipei. Some of them live in Tainan.

◊ Not both of my sisters are teachers. One of my sisters is a teacher, but the other is a lawyer.

not always 並非總是

◊ Mike doesn’t always go to school early. Sometimes, he is early, while other times, he is late.

not necessarily不必然

◊ You don’t necessarily need a degree to be a successful businessman.

not completely不全然

◊ What the politician has done for the country is almost forgotten, but not completely.

6 . . . on the first day of high school.

Ü Teachers everywhere all try to help their new students to feel at ease on the first day of school.

 提到在特定的某日或某日的早上、下午或晚上時,介系詞為on,例:

◊ On Mother’s day, you can say “thank you” to your mom to show your gratitude.
◊ Mr. Wang always has brunch at that shop on Tuesday morning.
◊ The husband took his wife out for a romantic dinner on their wedding anniversary.
◊ The war broke out on September 1st, 1939.
◊ On the morning of Monday, May 30th, Mary’s father passed away.

Paragraph 3:

What is the target that the writer wants to discuss?




The target that the writer wants to discuss is the various activities in high schools around the world held by teachers to make first-year students feel welcome.


4  The following are some examples of this from the United States. At a high school in Arizona ([&8r1`zon1] n. (abbr. AZ) 亞利桑那州), for example, students get to walk down a red carpet ([&rEd `kArpIt] n. sing. (the ~)(為迎接貴賓而鋪設的)紅地毯carpet [`kArpIt] n. [C] 地毯) as they enter the school on the first day, just like celebrities ([s1`lEbr1tI] n. [C] 名人) at an awards ceremony ([`sEr1&monI] n. [C] 典禮,儀式). In 2016, a math teacher in Michigan ([`mISIG1n] n. (abbr. MI) 密西根州) sang pop ([pAp] adj. 流行的,通俗的) songs to her students, but replaced the old lyrics ([`lIrIks] n. pl. 歌詞) with her own about classroom rules. This method definitely caught her students’ attention and helped them know the rules. And in California ([&k8l1`fOrnj1] n. (abbr. CA) 加利福尼亞州), a teacher asked his students a simple question about their futures: “What is your hope?” Then, he had them write down their answers and talk about them in groups. All of these experiences above can help to bring the new students together and raise everyone’s spirits.

4 下列是一些來自美國的例子。在亞利桑那州的一所高中,舉例來說,學生在他們入學的第一天會走過一道紅地毯,就像名人參加頒獎典禮時那樣。在2016年,一位密西根州的數學老師為學生演唱流行歌曲,但是將熟悉的歌詞代換為她自己的、與班規有關的歌詞。這樣的方法毫無疑問地吸引了她學生的注意力,且幫助他們解班規。而在加利福尼亞州,一位老師問了他的學生們一個關於他們未來的簡單問題:「你的志願是什麼?」然後,他要他們寫下自己的答案並分組討論。以上這些經驗都能幫助這些新學生凝聚,並激勵每個人。

Main idea Teachers in the United States come up with many ways to help their students to deal with their nervousness about being in a new environment.









n. [C] (the ~) (pl. ~) the people or things that will be mentioned next 下列各項

n The following are the books you have to read this semester: War and Peace, Animal Farm, and Frankenstein. 以下是這學期你們必須讀的書:《戰爭與和平》、《動物農莊》和《科學怪人》。

adj. 下一個的

n Mr. and Mrs. Hunter got married in 2001, and their first child was born the following year.  Hunter夫婦於2001年時結婚,而他們的第一個孩子於次年出生。











n. [C] something such as money or a prize that is given to someone for doing something well 獎,獎品

n The young actress has not won any award yet because she doesn’t have much experience in acting. 這位年輕的女演員尚未獲得任何獎項,因為她在演戲方面的經驗不多。

vt. 給予,授予

n A plane ticket to London will be awarded to anyone who wins the game. 










vt. to put someone or something in place of another 代換,取代

n My watch doesn’t work anymore. I will have to replace it with a new one.


 n. [C] 替代者,替換品

n The store’s clerk quit last week, so the shopkeeper is looking for a replacement for her.






n. [C] a certain way of doing something 方法,措施

n After hundreds of tests, the scientists have finally worked out a new method for curing the illness.  在數百次測試後,這群科學家終於找出治療這種疾病的新方法。









adv. without any doubt 毫無疑問地,確實

n Nancy is my best friend; therefore, I will definitely attend her birthday party. Nancy是我最好的朋友;因此,我毫無疑問地會參加她的生日派對。

adj. 明確的,確定的

n The designer hasn’t had a definite idea for his new project, so he is looking around for some ideas.  這位設計師對他的新企劃案尚未有個明確的概念,所以他正到處尋找些構想。





n. [U] the act of watching, listening to, or thinking about someone or something carefully 注意

n Mark wasn’t paying close attention to the teacher; he was thinking about his new mobile game.


4. raise one’s spirits to make someone feel happier, braver, or more cheerful 


n The smile on his daughter’s face always raises Mr. Brando’s spirits and makes him work even harder.  女兒臉上的微笑總能夠激勵Brando先生,並使他更加努力工作。

7 The following are some examples . . .

Ü Let’s take some teachers in the United States, for example.

 the following可用來列舉事項,表示「以下是」,所接的be動詞視後方的名詞單複數而定,例:

◊ The following are the items that you should bring: pencils, erasers, and a piece of paper.
◊ The following is an entry in her diary.

◊ The following have been chosen to be on the basketball team: Darren, Tyson, Nick, and Vincent.


另一個用來列舉事項的句型是sth be as followsS + V + as follows,表示「如下」。須注意不論單複數主詞,後方皆為as follows,例:

◊ The steps are as follows: Insert the coins, press the button, and then enjoy the cold drink.

◊ The candidates are as follows: John Smith, Adam Watson, and Jonathan Roberts.

◊ The list is as follows—John Smith, Adam Watson, and Jonathan Roberts.

The teacher made choices as follows: The leather jacket would be given to Harry and the dictionary would go to Freddy.

8 . . . , for example, . . .

Ü On the first day of school, the students at a high school in Arizona will walk on a red carpet like famous people. They may feel amused and less anxious.

 for example/instance意即「比如說,舉例而言」,可放句首、句中或句尾,例:

◊ Mr. Stark has traveled to many countries. For example, he just visited Taiwan last month.
◊ You can contact me by, for example, sending me a text message.
◊ This novel has been translated into many languages, for example German and Chinese.

9 Ü Another teacher in America tried to make new students feel better by singing pop songs to them. The old lyrics, however, were changed and the new lyrics were about classroom rules.

10 . . . a teacher asked his students a simple question about their futures: “What is your hope?” Then, he had them write down . . . can help to . . .

Ü Still another teacher had his students write down their ideas about their hopes and then talk about the hopes in groups. All of these activities can help students feel better in the new environment.

 ask sb sth 問某人某事

◊ Sam asked Jean whether she would like to go to a movie with him.

have當作使役動詞的用法為have + O + VR/p.p.,意為「要受詞去做某動作」或「使受詞被」,例:
◊ Sherry’s mother has her practice the piano every day.
◊ Mrs. Wang had her hair cut/permed yesterday.

另外,have + O + V­ing可表示「造成受詞處於某狀態或有某反應」,此處則不像使役動詞用法那樣有要求或強迫的意味在了,例:
◊ Jessica had us laughing throughout the whole meeting.
◊ The speaker had all the audience listening attentively.
◊ The photo caught the world’s attention and had everyone asking, “Who is the model?”




make + O + VR,表示「強迫受詞去做某事」,也可能是「導致、造成」之意,其被動語態為 be + made + to + VR,例:

◊ Danny’s mom made him clean up the living room.

◊ Sad movies always make me cry.

◊ Timothy was made to accept the decision.

另外,make的另一句型make + O + p.p./adj./N則表示「使受詞變成後述補語的狀態」,例:

◊ Mindy raised her voice to make herself heard clearly in such a big lecture hall.

◊ Mr. Huang couldn’t make himself understood in English, so he hired an interpreter.

◊ Your explanation makes the theory easy to understand.

◊ John’s achievements made him one of the best musicians in the country.

let + O + VR,表示「允許、讓受詞去做某事」,例:

◊ Sharon let her students do the talking most of the time.

◊ My father let me use his car.

let + O + be + p.p.可表示「使受詞被」,例:

◊ Let the job be done as quickly as possible.

◊ Let the justice be done.

get + O + to + VRget + O + V-ing也有表示「叫受詞、勸服受詞去做某事」之意,例:

◊ I got the waitress to bring me some water.

◊ Can the repairman get the car going again?

get + O + p.p.則意為「使受詞被」,例:

◊ I got my hair cut yesterday.

◊ Tony’s mother asked him to get his work finished before dinner.

ƒ help (sb) (to) VR 幫助(某人)做某事

◊ What Michelle does can help solve the problem.


help sb with N 幫某人處理某事

◊ Sam always helps his sister with her homework.


5  The United States is not the only country with such interesting traditions. In India ([`IndI1] n.印度), for instance, the beginning of the school year often falls during the monsoon ([&mAn`sun] n. [C](南亞等地的)雨季), so students exchange umbrellas to stay dry and make new friends. In Russia ([`r^S1] n.俄羅斯) and some countries in eastern Europe ([`j5r1p] n.歐洲), the first day of school is called “Knowledge Day,” and seniors often perform songs to encourage the new students. Also, in New Zealand ([&n(j)u `zil1nd] n.紐西蘭), students perform a war dance that is called “the haka ([`hAk1] n. [C] (pl. ~)哈卡舞)” on the first day of school. This gets the students there excited to learn.

5 美國並不是擁有這樣趣味傳統的唯一國家。在印度,舉例來說,一學年的開始通常落在雨季期間,所以學生們會交換雨傘以保持乾爽,並交到新朋友。在俄羅斯和一些東歐國家,上學的第一天被稱為「知識日」,而高年級生常常表演歌曲來鼓勵新生。此外,在紐西蘭,學生會在上學第一天表演名為「哈卡舞」的戰鬥舞蹈。這讓那裡的學生對學習感到興奮。

Main idea There are some other examples of interesting traditions to welcome the new school year around the world.











n. [C] something that a group of people have done for a long time 傳統

n Jumping down from a chair on New Year’s Eve has long been a tradition in Germany.


adj. 傳統的,慣例的

n It is traditional for people in Japan to visit temples and shrines during the New Year holidays.










vt. to give someone something and receive something else similar in return 交換,交流

n Mr. Watson exchanged business cards with Ms. Stone when they first met.  Watson先生和Stone女士在初次見面時交換了名片。

n. [U]  交換,交流

n I helped my brother with his homework, and he cleaned up my room in exchange. 我協助我的弟弟完成他的家庭作業,而他幫忙打掃我的房間作為交換。





adj. in or from the east of a country or place 東部的,東方的

n Lisa took a trip to eastern Taiwan last summer. She visited Liyu Lake, Taroko National Park, and Green Island.  Lisa去年夏天去東臺灣旅行。她造訪了鯉魚潭、太魯閣國家公園,以及綠島。









n. [C] a student in the last year of high school, college, or university 高年級生

n Every January, most high-school seniors in Taiwan are busy preparing for the college entrance exam.


adj. 年紀較大的

n Norman is senior to his youngest sister by 15 years. That’s why there is a generation gap between them. Norman比他的妹妹年長了十五歲。那就是為何他們之間有代溝的原因。









vt. to sing, act, play music, etc., on stage 表演,演出

n Our English teacher asked us to perform a play in her class next month. 


n. [C]  表演,演出

n The famous dance group is going to give ten performances during its visit to Paris.












vt. to give someone hope, courage, or support to do something


n Students are encouraged to ask questions in class. They can ask their teacher questions at any time if they don’t understand something.  學生被鼓勵於課堂上提問。如果他們有不懂的地方,他們可以隨時向老師發問。

n. [U]  鼓勵

n The encouragement from the tennis player’s fans helped him finish first in the game.


5. for instance for example 例如

n Judy is afraid of several kinds of insects. Cockroaches, for instance, really scare her. 


11 . . . with such interesting traditions.

Ü In other countries, people have different traditions to usher in new school years.

 with N可表示「具有、附帶有」,通常可以接工具、方式、器材、器官等,例:

With a warm smile, Teresa greeted everyone in the room.
◊ The boy with blue eyes and blonde hair is from France.

另外,with N也可表「用」,例:

◊ The old man walked slowly with a walking stick.
◊ The scientists were conducting the experiment with several different methods.

12 . . . often falls during . . .

Ü For example, students in India trade umbrellas with each other as a way to make new friends and stay dry because their new semester usually starts in the rain season.

 N fall + time adverb 在何時到來或發生

◊ Halloween falls on October 31st.
◊ Samuel’s birthday falls on January 10th.

13 . . . is called “Knowledge Day,” . . .

Ü Russians and some eastern European countries call the first day of school “Knowledge Day,” and old students will give support to new students by singing songs.

 call/name A BA be called/named B ABA被叫作B,不用加as

◊ Mary Tudor was called “Bloody Mary.”

14 Also, . . . This gets the students . . .

Ü In New Zealand, they’ll dance “the haka” to raise new students’ spirits.

 get adj. 變得

get sb/sth adj. 使某人/某物變得

◊ Emma got very angry after she knew the truth.
◊ Don’t get your white shirt dirty.


Paragraphs 4-5:

How many examples can you find in the passage?




In the 4th paragraph, the writer takes three high schools in the United States as examples. In one school in Arizona, the students walk down a red carpet. In another school in Michigan, a teacher sang pop songs to tell students her rules. In the other school in California, a teacher asked students about their hopes and wanted them to discuss in groups.

In the 5th paragraph, the writer takes high schools in countries other than the United States as examples. Students in India exchange umbrellas at the beginning of the school year. Students in Russia and some eastern European countries perform songs to encourage new students. Students in New Zealand perform “the haka.”


6  These are just some of the many first­day­of­school traditions around the world. Does your school have any such traditions? We wish you a great start of a new school year!

6 這些只是世界各地眾多上學首日傳統中的幾個例子。你的學校有任何這樣的傳統嗎?祝你新學年有個很棒的開始!

Main idea There are still other ways in the world to welcome a new school year. We wish all the new students a great start.


Paragraph 6:

What is the question that the writer asked at the end of the passage?


本題要找出作者在文末的提問。在第六段第二句提出問題:Does your school have any such traditions? 若有時間,可請學生分享以前求學階段,國中小甚至幼稚園時,學校有沒有一些有趣的迎新活動。


In the second sentence of the sixth paragraph, the author asked, “Does your school have such traditions?”

15 Ü Besides these examples, there are many other ways in the world to welcome a new school year. Does your school have its own?

16 (A) wish B sth A祝福B

◊ We wish you a pleasant journey.
◊ Wish you a happy new year.


Explore More.

I. The prefix “un-”


familiar → unfamiliar

able → unable

lucky → unlucky

happy → unhappy

clear → unclear

usual → unusual


II. Compound adjectives: Adj. + N

複合形容詞由兩個(以上的)字所組成,而「形容詞 + 名詞」為其中一種。在這種複合形容詞中,通常會以連字號(hyphen)相連。

first-year 第一年的

full­time 全職的

low-fat 低脂的

long-distance 長途的

right-hand 右邊的

high-class 高級的


prefix 字首 compound adjective 複合形容詞


Check Your Comprehension


( ) 1. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) Changes in school buildings.                   (B) First­day­of­school traditions.

(C) Problems of first-year students.               (D) Awards ceremonies for teachers.

( ) 2. What do students in Russia and some European countries do on Knowledge Day?

(A) Sing songs.                                       (B) Exchange umbrellas.

(C) Talk about their hopes.                       (D) Walk down a red carpet.

( ) 3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Students in California are asked to interview celebrities.

(B) It seldom rains in India at the beginning of the school year.

(C) A high school teacher in Michigan explained classroom rules with pop songs.

(D) Senior students in eastern Europe have to perform the haka on the first day of school.

( ) 4. According to the line chart on page 4, in which years does Taiwan have the biggest drop in the number of senior high school freshmen?

(A) 100-101.                   (B) 101-102.           (C) 102-103.       (D) 104-105.

 Learn About Sentence Structure

Restrictive Adjective Clauses


u The only sound that you hear is your own footsteps.

v In New Zealand, students perform a war dance that is called “the haka” on the first day of school.

w The little girl who is crying over there is Dalton’s sister.

x Greg has listed the names of the guests who will be invited to his birthday party.

y Belle lent me the dictionary which she just bought.

z Fiona joined a club which taught street dance.

{ Aaron knows the lady whose window was broken the other day.

| The movie tells the story of the great love between a young couple whose families have long fought with each other.

What does the structure look like?

N +   that



whose + N

Exercise A:


1. A: I’m a big fan of that Chinese restaurant.

B: Why? Can you tell me the reason?

A: The food is very delicious. What’s more, I like the waiter   who/that   is friendly and helpful.

2. A: Guess what! Ted is seeing someone.

B: It’s not news to me. He is dating the girl ______ is sitting on the grass and reading a novel. Her name is Susan.

3. A: What is the show ______ Mom and Dad are taking us to called?

B: It is called “King Comedy Magic Show.” The popular magician will give a great performance.

A: I know. His best magic trick is sawing a lady in half. I can’t wait to see!

4. A: I bought a diamond necklace ______ pattern went very well with my evening dress.

B: Indeed, you look so perfect in that dress and the necklace.

A: Thanks for the compliment.


Exercise B:

請根據中文並利用第 8 頁之句型結構完成以下句子的翻譯。

1. 正在公園裡跳繩的孩子們看起來很開心。

The children _________________________________________ look very happy.

2. 下個月要舉行音樂會的管弦樂團來自維也納。

The orchestra _______________________________________ is from Vienna.

3. 那位車子被偷的男人看起來很傷心。

The man _______________________________________ looks very sad.

4. 這是我聽過最好笑的笑話。

This is the funniest joke ________________________________.

performance 表演 compliment 讚美


