2021年8月23日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 2.8



1. S + see/watch/hear/listen to + O + V/V-ing


1. 此句型中所列的動詞皆為「感官動詞」,若受詞為主動動作者,其後須接原形動詞或現在分詞作為受詞補語。接原形動詞時,強調的是「動作的完整過程」;而接現在分詞時,則強調「動作正在進行」。

2. 若受詞為接受動作者,即被動語態,則後面的動詞須以過去分詞表示。


1. Lucy watched her friend preparing traditional dishes on Thanksgiving.

2. I heard the rain fall on the roof last night. (我昨晚聽到雨落在屋頂的聲音。)

3. Elsa saw Jack punished by his father. (Elsa看到Jack被他爸爸懲罰。)


2. S + V1..., and + S + V2....
S + V1..., V2-ing....


此句型為省略對等連接詞and和其後子句主詞而形成的「分詞構句」,用來表達「附帶動作」或「兩個動作發生的順序」。注意這樣的省略只能在 and 所連接的兩個子句的主詞相同時才能成立。除了省略 and 及其後子句的主詞外,還需將該子句的主動動詞改為現在分詞。



1. Lucy got in a taxi, and she asked the driver to take her to the train station.

→Lucy got in a taxi, asking the driver to take her to the train station.

2. My sister sat on the sofa, and she was reading the novel.

→My sister sat on the sofa, reading the novel.

3. Every day, Laura’s uncle feeds the cows, and he sings for them.

→Every day, Laura’s uncle feeds the cows, singing for them.



3. provide sb with sth
provide sth for sb


1. 此句型為動詞provide搭配介系詞with的用法,provide先接「人」當受詞時,須搭配介系詞with,並於其後接所提供的「事物」。

2. 動詞provide後面亦可先接「事物」,但此時介系詞須用 for ,之後再接事物的接受者,因此形成“provide sth for sb”的句構。



1. The Pilgrim Fathers needed a good harvest to provide them with enough food for the first winter.

→The Pilgrim Fathers needed a good harvest to provide enough food for them for the first winter.

2. We can provide the poor with blankets in the cold winter.
→ We can provide blankets for the poor in the cold winter.

3. The hostess provided the guests with food and drinks.
→ The hostess provided food and drinks for the guests.


4. be filled with            充滿……


be filled with表示「充滿……,佔滿……」。be filled withbe full of雖然都有「充


1. be filled with用在「充滿了整個空間,沒有留下任何可以使用的空間」或「某空間內充滿了某種聲音或味道」時。

2. be full of用來表示「到處都是……」,純粹形容數量上的龐大,可等同於a lot of的意思。



1. During Holi, the streets in New Delhi are filled with crowds of people.

2. The kitchen was filled with the smell of fried chicken.
(炸雞的香味充滿了整個廚房。) (形容香氣散佈在廚房的每個角落)

3. On weekends, department stores are always full of people.


5. S + be + being + Vpp


此句型表達的是「進行式的被動語態」,可分為現在被動進行式“S + is/are + being + Vpp”以及過去被動進行式“S + was/were + being + Vpp”兩種,也就是將進行式與被動語態結合在一起所形成的句型。此句型用來表示在現在或過去的時間裡,正在進行的動作。



1. When Lucy went to St. Andrews in Scotland on August 1st, a Lammas Day celebration was being held.

2. Last Tuesday, all the rooms were still being painted.


3. After thirty minutes, the bathroom is still being occupied.




I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. The fast-food restaurant provides a playroom ____ the kids.

(A) with                   (B) for                      (C) to                       (D) from

( ) 2. The swimming pool ____ when I arrived there.
was cleaning                                       (B) was cleaned
was being cleaning                             (D) was being cleaned

( )3. Mr. Adams worked hard, ____ to finish the work as soon as possible.

(A) tried                    (B) trying                 (C) to try                  (D) he trying

( ) 4. I like to listen to the birds ____ when I get up in the morning.

(A) sing                     (B) sang                   (C) to sing                (D) singing

( ) 5. Alice opened all the windows, and the room was ____ fresh air soon.

(A) filling of            (B) filling with         (C) filled of              (D) filled with


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ___________ 1. I saw Peter walked down the road on my way home.

                                      (A)              (B)                           (C)

( ) ___________ 2. When Hank entered the living room, the Christmas gifts were


been opened by his daughters.

                                       (B)     (C)

( ) ___________ 3.Because of the coming final exams, the library is filled with

                                        (A)                (B)                                                  (C)



( ) ___________ 4. Hebe suggested that we provide these kids having no parents

                                                                             (A)                      (B)

for more love and care.


( ) ___________ 5. Julie stopped by the supermarket, bought some fruit and milk

                                                        (A)                               (B)

for her mother.



III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 午餐時間,教室裡充滿了食物的味道。

During lunch time, the classroom ____________ ____________ ____________ the smell of food.

2. 當我回到家時,冷氣正在維修中。
When I got home, the air conditioners ____________ ____________ ____________.

3. Jason努力工作提供家人生活所需。

Jason works hard to ____________ his family ____________ what they need.

4. Ann去圖書館,為考試而讀書。

Ann went to the library, ____________ for the tests.

5. 昨天Ivan忽然昏倒時,會議正在舉行中。
Yesterday, when Ivan suddenly fainted, the meeting ____________ ____________ ____________.

6. 就在我快要睡著的時候,我突然聽到有人在敲門。
When I was about to fall asleep, I suddenly ____________ someone ____________ on the door.

7. Tommy房間的地上總是到處都是玩具和蠟筆。
The floor of Tommy’s room ____________ always ____________ ____________ toys and crayons.

8. Roy安靜地坐著,仔細聽Sarah唱著動聽的歌曲。
Roy sat in silence, ____________ ____________ Sarah ____________ beautiful songs.

9. Tina迅速地關上門,然後坐在地上放聲大哭。
Tina closed the door quickly, ____________ ____________ ____________ on the floor, crying loudly.

10. 消防人員會提供協助給那些需要的人。
The firefighters will ____________ help ____________ those in need.


