2021年8月2日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 4.8



1. the more..., the more...                              越……,越……


1. 此句型表示「越……,越……」,前半部為副詞子句,後半部為主要子句。

2. 若副詞子句以及主要子句中的動詞為be動詞,有時主詞及be 動詞會被省略。



1. The fatter you were, the richer you were considered to be.


2. The more heavily it rained, the more slowly Ted drove.

(雨下得越大,Ted 開車開得越慢。)

3. The older (you are), the wiser (you are).



2. S + would rather + V1... + than + V2....


1. 此句型表示「寧願做V1也不要做V2」,其中V1V2都須用原形動詞。

2. would ratherthan後面接的兩個動詞一樣時,than 之後的動詞可省略。



1. A few people would even rather have a poison called Botox injected into their faces than have any wrinkles.


2. Lucy would rather stay at home than go out on weekends.

(週末時,Lucy 寧願待在家裡也不想出門。)

3. I would rather eat nothing than (eat) the food my roommate cooks.



3. On the contrary, S + V....                          相反地,……


1. on the contrary為表示轉折語氣的副詞片語,意指與前面敘述相反的情形。

2. on the contrary 通常放在句首,後須接完整的句子。



1. During the Middle Ages in Europe, the rich didn’t have tans. On the contrary, their skin was usually pale.


2. My mother’s health condition didn’t improve after treatment. On the contrary, it got worse.


3. Josh is not a stingy person; on the contrary, he is generous with his money.



4. as Adj/Adv as possible                              盡可能地……


此句型表示「盡可能地……」之意,asas 中間須用形容詞或副詞原級。



1. They would often cover up their bodies completely whenever they went out to make sure their skin stayed as light as possible.


2. Emma ran as fast as possible, but she still missed the bus.


3. I try to keep my room as clean as possible.



5. have + O + OC (Vpp)


1. have為使役動詞,表示「使,讓」之意,當後面的受詞為「被動接受動作者」時,其後面要接過去分詞(Vpp) 作為受詞補語。

2. 若後面受詞為「主動發出動作者」,則受詞補語用原形動詞。



1. Some common procedures include having fat removed from their bellies and having their eyes changed to look bigger.


2. I had my car washed for free at the gas station.


3. The boss had his secretary arrange the meeting for him.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. The ________ you study, the ________ grades you will get.
(A) hard; good
    (B) harder; better   (C) hard; better         (D) harder; good

( ) 2. We thought today would be a sunny day. ________, it rained the whole day.
(A) On the contrary
                                 (B) In other words

          (C) On the one hand                                 (D) As a result

( ) 3. The teacher suggested the students check their answers as ________ as possible.
(A) more careful    (B) more carefully
  (C) careful                (D) carefully

( ) 4. Leo would rather ________ DVDs at home than ________ to a movie.
(A) watch; go        
                                  (B) watch; going      

            (C) watching; go                                      (D) watching; going

( ) 5. My father had his car ________ when he arrived at the high-class hotel.
(A) park                 (B) parked                 (C) parking               (D) to park

( ) 6. I don’t think you made a mistake; ________, I think you did the right thing.
(A) without a doubt
                                 (B) after all
(C) last but not least                                (D) on the contrary

( ) 7. The killer would rather ________ suicide than ________ caught by the police.
(A) committing; is
                                  (B) commit; is         

            (C) commit; be                                         (D) committing; be

( ) 8. The mother had her sick child ________ some warm water.
(A) drink                (B) drinks
                 (C) to drink               (D) drunk

( ) 9. The ________ the students finish the test, the ________ they can go home.
(A) soon; early      
                                  (B) sooner; early      

            (C) soon; earlier                                       (D) sooner; earlier

( ) 10. Our boss ordered us to get the job done as ________ as possible.         

              (A) quick                                                (B) quicker              

(C) quickly                                             (D) more quickly


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. All parents want to keep their children as safer as possible.

(A)             (B)                (C) (D)

( ) ____________ 2. The older you grow, the poor your memory becomes.

(A)      (B)     (C)              (D)

( ) ____________ 3. I always have my clothes wash in the shop near my house once

(A)                (B)           (C)         (D)

a week.

( ) ____________ 4. What you said wasn’t funny; in the contrary, it really offended

                   (A)          (B)       (C)                   (D)


( ) ____________ 5. My aunt would rather stay single than marrying a man she

(A)       (B)   (C)

doesn’t love.



III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 我們以為Charlie 已經完成他的作業。相反地,他根本就還沒開始。

We thought Charlie had finished his homework. ________ ________ ________, he hasn’t even started yet.

2. Rebecca 和男朋友分手後,就把頭髮剪短了。

Rebecca had her hair ________ after she broke up with her boyfriend.

3. 這間飯店藉由提供最好的服務來試著讓顧客感到盡可能地舒適。

The hotel tries to make its customers feel ________ ________ ________ ________ by providing the best service.

4. 你車開得越快,就越危險。

The ________ you drive, the ________ ________ it is.

5. 有些女人寧願餓肚子來變瘦,也不願意規律地運動。

Some women ________ ________ ________ themselves to be thinner ________ ________ regularly.


