2021年8月5日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 3.1


 1.What + a(n) + Adj + N + S + Be...!

  How + Adj (+ a(n)/the + N) + S + Be...!

  How + Adv + S + V...!


1. 此句型為感嘆句,結尾須標上驚嘆號,中文表示「多麼……啊!」。

2.  what用來修飾名詞(N)how用來修飾形容詞(Adj)或是副詞(Adv)


1. How strange this idea would be to Japanese people!

2. What a beautiful flower it is!  (這是多麼美麗的一朵花阿!)

3. How delicious the chocolate cakes were!  (巧克力蛋糕是多麼的好吃啊!)


2. seldom/rarely/little/never... + Aux/Be + S...


1. 此句型為否定副詞(Negative Adv)的倒裝句,有「加強語氣」的作用。當一般敘述句裡的否定副詞置於句首時,要先使用助動詞或be動詞再接主詞。

2. 其他常見的否定副詞還有hardly (幾乎不)no longer (不再)not until (直到……才)等。


1. It seldom occurred to Aoki to visit Taiwan.

  Seldom did it occur to Aoki to visit Taiwan.  (青木很少想過要來臺灣。)

2. I knew little about Stanley's past.

  Little did I know about Stanley's past.  (我對Stanley的過去所知甚少。)

3. We will never see Daisy again.

  Never will we see Daisy again.  (我們再也見不到Daisy了。)


3. S1 + V1.... 連接副詞(Adv), S2 + V2....


1. 連接副詞(Conjunctive Adv)用來轉折兩個句子的語氣,使前後句意連接順暢。

2. 常用的連接副詞: besidesin addition表示「附加」,howeveryet表示「相反」,thustherefore表示「結果」。


1. Aoki has visited more than 45 countries. However, seldom did it occur to her to visit Taiwan.  (青木已經到過45個國家。然而,她卻很少想過要來台灣。)

2.Leonardo da Vinci was a famous painter. Besides, he was a great engineer.


3.This book is very interesting. Therefore, I read it again and again.



4. when it comes to談到……


1. 此片語多用於在新的段落中「提及、討論某件特定主題」。

2. 此片語後多接名詞或是動名詞。


1. When it comes to expressing themselves, the Taiwanese are much freer than the Japanese.  (在談到表達自己想法時,臺灣人要比日本人來的自由。)

2. When it comes to the computer, Kevin is really an expert.


3. Jessica is very anxious when it comes to writing a composition.



5. It + be + considered (+ to be) + Adj/N + to V....

To V... + be + considered (+ to be) + Adj/N....……被認為是……


1. 此組句型原來以不定詞片語to V...為主詞,但因為不定詞片語往往過長,常以虛主詞it代替不定詞片語,將不定詞片語改放在句末。

2. be動詞可以依時態而作變化,如iswaswill behas been等。


1. It is considered (to be) rude to sing the same song right after it has been sung at a Japanese KTV.

To sing the same song right after it has been sung at a Japanese KTV is considered (to be) rude.


2. It is considered (to be) important to have a good breakfast.

To have a good breakfast is considered (to be) important.


3. It is considered (to be) a happy time for kids and adults to celebrate Christmas.

To celebrate Christmas is considered (to be) a happy time for kids and adults. 



I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1._____ loudly the girls shouted!

     (A) How             (B) Why                (C) What               (D) When

( ) 2._____ an exciting movie it is!

     (A) Which            (B) How                (C) When              (D) What

( ) 3.When it comes to _____, Ben always complains to his mother.

     (A) the dishes                                      (B) washing the dishes

(C) wash the dishes                              (D) washed the dishes

( ) 4. Seldom _____ Philip drink coffee. He likes tea better.

     (A) does        (B) did               (C) had              (D) have

( ) 5. Judy was sick. _____, she stayed in bed all day yesterday.

     (A) However     (B) Thus            (C) Besides          (D) Yet

( ) 6 .It is considered _____ to break a mirror.

     (A) unluckily     (B) unlucky           (C) to be unluckily  (D) for luck

( ) 7.Never _____ my boss pleased with my work.

     (A) did         (B) does              (C) is                (D) are

( ) 8.To run a red light was considered _____.

     (A) for illegal        (B) illegal            (C) as illegal          (D) being illegal

( ) 9.Eunice is always excited when it comes _____ delicious food.

     (A) with              (B) in                    (C) from               (D) to

( ) 10.Todd has eaten a big hamburger. _____, I know he is still hungry now.

       (A) However   (B) In addition    (C) Besides    (D) Thus


II. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 阿里山的日出是多麼美麗呀!

_____ _____ the sunrise of Mt. Ali _____!

2. Stella很少看漫畫。

Little _____ _____ _____ comic books.

3. 過著樂活的生活被認為是對環保的。

_____ _____ a LOHAS life is considered eco-friendly.

4. Glen在這個隊伍中是多麼重要的球員呀!

What _____ _____ _____ Glen _____ in the team!

5. 在提到繪畫時,Lisa是我見過最棒的畫家。

_____ _____ _____ _____ painting, Lisa is the best painter I have ever met.

6. Johnson不富有。然而,他卻過得十分快樂。

Johnson is not very rich. _____, he lives a very happy life.

7. Grace上學很少遲到。

Rarely _____ _____ _____ for school.

8. 談到玩線上遊戲時,Henry相當高興。

_____ _____ _____ _____ playing online games, Henry
is very happy.

9. 昨晚我的鄰居製造噪音。因此,我沒有睡好。

My neighbor made noise last night. _____, I didn't sleep well.


_____ _____ _____ polite to greet other people with a smile.


