2021年8月12日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 3.7


1. A + as + Adj/Adv + as + B                                  


1. 此句型以形容詞(Adj)或副詞(Adv)來表示兩者在程度上相同或相當。

2. 當主要子句的動詞為be動詞、連綴動詞或不完全及物動詞時,須接形容詞(Adj);為一般動詞時,則須接副詞(Adv)

3. 此句型之後接一子句,但用於口語表達時,若此子句以助動詞或be動詞結尾,常將助動詞或be動詞省略。


1.I am not as bad as you think.


2.The old man walks as slowly as a turtle does.


3.Alice's mother looks as beautiful as a star.


2.No matter what/where/when/who/how..., S + V....


1.     no matter為連接詞,後接疑問詞所引導的子句,形成表示「讓步」的副詞子句,其後不可接that子句,且疑問詞後的子句須用直述句字序。Although

2. 若主要子句的動詞時態為未來簡單式,no matter所引導的副詞子句須使用「現在式」,不可用「未來式」。

3. no matter whatno matter when放在句尾時,在句意清楚的情況下,有時也可以直接省略所引導的子句及動詞。


1. No matter what you do, I will always love you.


2. No matter who asks you the question, do not reply.


3. I will pick you up, no matter what (happens).



3. As + S1 + V1..., S2 + V2....  在……時,當……的時候


1. 在此句型中as作為連接詞,表示「在……時,隨著……」之意。

2. as也可以引導表示原因的從屬子句,為「因為」之意。



1. As I was reading your note, I suddenly realized something.


2. As time went by, Judy forgot the pain of breakup with Peter.


3. As Joe was caught in the traffic, he missed his train to Tainan.


4. S + be + Adj + that + S + V....


1.     此句型表示對某事物(that + S + V)的感受及看法(Adj)

2.     句中形容詞為用來表達主詞對於某事物、事件的個人感覺、感受,如「高興、驚恐、害怕、憤怒」等。

3.     在非正式口語用法中that可以省略不用。


1. I was worried that the place where you had gotten your tongue piercing might not be clean. 


2. Yuki was afraid that she wouldn't pass the test.


3. My mother was angry that I came home late last night.



5. After/Before/When + V-ing, S + V....




1. After reading your note, I realized how similar we really are.

After I read your note, I realize how similar we really are.


2. I washed my clothes before going to work.

I washed my clothes before I went to work.


3.When listening to music, Julie likes to read magazine.

When Julie listens to music, she likes to read magazine.










I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. _____ we were taking a walk along the river, we heard a cry for help.

     (A) Though                 (B) So                 (C) Since                     (D) As

( ) 2. No matter _____, I will be on your side.

      (A) what is your decision                        (B) what your decision is 

(C) how is your decision                           (D) how your decision is

( ) 3. When _____ TV, I like to eat popcorn and drink Coke.

      (A) I watching          (B) watched         (C) watch                     (D) watching

( ) 4. Many parents ask their children to behave as _____ as other kids _____.

      (A) better; do            (B) well; do           (C) better; are                (D) well; are

( ) 5. Sally is worried _____ she is not able to go to school on time.

      (A) to                        (B) about               (C) that                           (D) by

( ) 6. A boy suddenly ran into the street _____ we were driving along it.

      (A) as                        (B) that                  (C) since                        (D) which

( ) 7. _____ the room, you should make sure that you turn off the lights

      (A) Before leave        (B) Before you leaving (C) Before leaving   (D) Before left

( ) 8. Your cookies taste as_____ as Amy's.

      (A) being delicious    (B) to be delicious         (C) deliciously       (D) delicious

( ) 9. Fiona was _____ that Nick could help her out.

      (A) happily               (B) happy                      (C) the happiest    (D) happier

( ) 10. No matter how little time I_____, I will finish the job on time.

      (A) has                       (B) had                           (C) have                 (D) will have


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) _____ 1. All that you can do now is let it go, no matter that bad you feel.
(A)                    (B)   (C)   (D)

( ) _____ 2. Be sure to wear a helmet as to you ride a motorcycle.

(A)          (B) (C) (D)

( ) _____ 3. After read Tom's letter, Maria feels less worried than before.
(A)                      (B)  (C)   (D)

( ) _____ 4. Though Kelly's grades are as good as Tom's, I don't think Kelly can dance
(A)     (B)

                 as good as Tom can.

                    (C)       (D)

( ) _____ 5. The boy is so excited about he is going to Disneyland next Monday.

(A)    (B)   (C)     (D)

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 我不認為這雙鞋像你那件一樣好。

I don't think this pair of shoes is _____ _____ _____ yours.

2. 無論你決定去哪裡,別忘了保持聯絡。

_____ _____ _____ you decide to go, don't forget to keep in touch.

3. 所有學生擔心期末考即將來臨。

All students _____ _____ that the final exam is coming soon.

4. Vera下公車的時候,她馬上就看到那家書店。

_____ Vera got off the bus, she _____ that bookstore at once.

5. 在唸小學的時候,Monica對繪畫有非常大的興趣。

_____ s_____ in elementary school, Monica had a great interest in drawing.


