2021年8月2日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 4.6



1. S + Vt (keep/leave/find) + O + Adj


1. keepleavefind皆為不完全及物動詞,因此在受詞之後須加形容詞當補語,來補充說明受詞的狀況。

2. 在此句型中,keepleave表示「使……保持……狀態」,而find表示「發現……處於……狀態」。



1. Others found Beuys’s creations meaningful because his artwork strongly expressed his beliefs in humanism.


2. I always drink some coffee in the morning to keep myself awake.


3. My roommate asked me to leave her alone because she was in a bad mood.



2. S + Aux + not + V... + until + S + V....





1. Rahic Talif does not begin carving a piece of driftwood until he has imagined its history.  (直到能想像出一塊漂流木的歷史之後,Rahic Talif才著手雕刻它。)

2. In the story, the spell would not be broken until the princess kissed the frog.


3. The bully did not leave until I gave him all the money I had.



3. wh-clause + V...


1. wh-子句為疑問詞所引導的名詞子句,可當作主詞置於句首;此句型中wh-子句為間接問句的用法,故須用直述句的語序。

2. 注意wh-子句當主詞視為整體,主要子句動詞須用單數形。



1. What looked like a bunch of useless junk suddenly became a man and woman sitting back to back.


2. What I really need right now is a good night’s sleep.


3. Where Eric comes from still remains a mystery.



4. some...others...


1. 此句型用於提出眾多群體中非限定的兩組來做說明,但還有其他組未提及,表示「有些……另一些……」之意,其中others也可以用some代替。

2. 此句型中,some可視為代名詞,或是以some加上複數名詞,此時some則為形容詞;而others則可代換成other加上複數名詞。



1. Some people might have thought that Beuys’s creations looked plain, but others found his creations meaningful.


2. There are many kinds of books in the library. Some are novels, and others are comic books.


3. Most students have their own favorite subject. Some like English. Others like math.  (大部分學生有他們自己最喜歡的科目。有些喜歡英文。另一些喜歡數學。)


5. A be viewed/seen/regarded/thought of as B                 A被視為B


1. 此句型為被動語態用法,表示「A被視為、認為是B」之意,也可寫成主動,句型為“view/see/regard/think of A as B”

2. 欲表示「A被視為B」之意,也可用動詞consider,其句型為“A be considered (to be) B”



1. Driftwood is normally viewed as worthless trash.


2. Karen is regarded as the best student in my class.


3. Dogs are thought of as humans’ best friends.




I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. Humans need water and air to keep themselves ________.
(A) alive
        (B) life            (C) live                     (D) to living

( ) 2. A man can be seen ________ a real man when he is able to take responsibility (責任).
(A) to be                 (B) to                        (C) as                        (D)

( ) 3. What Ron told you ________ not true. Please don’t believe him.
(A) is                      (B) are                       (C) be                        (D) were

( ) 4. Mr. Robinson won’t sell the house ________ someone offers a good price.
(A) because            (B) until                    (C) since                   (D) than

( ) 5. My brother’s bed is piled with a lot of things. ________ are his magazines, and ________ are his dirty clothes.
(A) Some; other     (B) Some; others      (C) Others; some      (D) Other; some

( ) 6. After watching the movie, Gina found it rather ________.

(A) interest            (B) interests              (C) interested            (D) interesting

( ) 7. People have different hobbies. ________ like reading. ________ people enjoy watching movies.
(A) Some; Others   (B) Some; Other       (C) Others; Some      (D) Other; Some

( ) 8. What I can never understand ________ why Justin broke up with me.
(A) is                      (B) are
                       (C) be                        (D) were

( ) 9. My brother ________ TV until he finishes his homework.
(A) watches            (B) not watches         (C) can watch           (D) can
t watch

( ) 10. I regarded Paul ________ my best friend in college.

(A) as                   (B) to be                    (C) by                        (D) ×


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. There are many foreign students in my school. Some are from

                           (A)                           (B)

Japan, and other are from Korea.

(C) (D)

( ) ____________ 2. I do believe the miracle until I see it by myself.

                   (A)                (B)   (C)    (D)

( ) ____________ 3. The human body is viewed to be a work of art in Greek and

(A)             (B)      (C)   (D)

Roman culture.

( ) ____________ 4. What Dylan has done actually mean nothing to me.

(A)      (B)             (C)   (D)

( ) ____________ 5. My mother thought it dangerous for me to leave the door

(A)   (B)           (C)




III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 警方仍然還不知道那殺人犯現在身藏何處。

________ the killer is hiding now ________ still unknown to the police.

2. Marcus維持規律運動來保持身體健康。

Marcus takes regular exercise to ________ his body ________.

3. 直到心臟出了毛病,Russell 才注意健康。

Russell did ________ ________ attention to his health ________ his heart had some problems.

4. 紅色在中華文化裡被視為是幸運的顏色。

Red is t________ ________ ________ a lucky color in Chinese culture.

5. 這間精神病院裡的病人正在做各式各樣奇怪的事。有些邊跑邊叫。另一些用頭去撞牆壁。

The patients in this mental hospital are doing different kinds of strange things. ________ are running and screaming. ________ are bumping their heads on the wall.


