2021年8月16日 星期一

Reading Smart B: Unit 41

Section 2---Unit 41 Culture and Customs

Easter Is upon Us

Easter is celebrated to mark the day that Christians believe Jesue Christ was resurrected. It is not a fixed holiday, though. In 325 AD, a religious council said that Easter would be celebrated on the Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. Since the spring s equinox is on March 21, Easter can be anywhere between March 22 and April 25.

While most Christians celebrate Easter by attending a special religious service, there are other traditions. One of the most well known is the Easter Bunny. Legend says that the Easter Bunny hides dyed eggs in the homes of children. When the kids wake up, they hunt for the colorful eggs. This custom is at least 400 years old. Nowadays, "Easter egg" also has another meaning. Some authors, game designers, and filmmakers put hidden messages-Easter eggs-in their products for fans to find.

Another great Easter tradition involving eggs is the Easter Egg Roll. Off and on since 1814, children have been invited to the White House lawn on Easter for a very special race. In it, children use spoons with long handles to roll dyed Easter eggs from one side of the lawn to the other.

As with many holidays, people from different parts of the world have put their own spin on Easter. In Sweden, little girls dress up as witches and go from house to house asking for treats. In New York, a costumed, rowdy parade takes place. And in Bermuda, people fly kites of all shapes and sizes to demonstrate Jesus rising to Heaven. Whether you celebrate with prayers, bunnies, or kites, Easter offers a great chance to get outside. After all, spring and new life are all around.

Reading Comprehension

(   ) 1. What is the main idea of the article?

(A) How Christians celebrate Easter

(B) The history and traditions of Easter

(C) Easter traditions from around the world

(D) The beginnings of Easter

(   ) 2. According to the passage, which one of the following is NOT an Easter tradition?

(A) Hidden messages in Easter eggs          (B) Children hunting for eggs

(C) Girls getting dressed to ask for treats   (D) Having rowdy parades

(   ) 3. Which of the following is NOT correct, according to the article?

(A) Easter is a religious holiday to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

(B) Children have been invited to attend the Easter Egg Roll every year since 1814.

(C) A lively costumed parade is held in New York to celebrate Easter.

(D) There are many traditions of Easter around the world.

(   ) 4. What is the purpose of the second paragraph?

(A) To describe the Easter Bunny and the meaning of "Easter egg"

(B) To share a story of the first Easter celebration

(C) To explain why we celebrate Easter in spring

(D) To provide advice on how to hide Easter eggs in your home

