2021年8月19日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 2.6



1. because + S + V... → because of + N


because為從屬連接詞,引導表「原因」的從屬子句,不可直接接名詞或動名詞,且不可單獨成句;而because of為介系詞片語,後須接名詞或名詞片語。兩者皆可置於句首或句中,置於句首時,須加逗點隔開兩個子句。



1. Because people like this “green” way of living, more and more companies are now offering LOHAS goods.

Because of this “green” way of living, more and more companies are now offering LOHAS goods.


2. The ball game was canceled because it rained heavily.

→The ball game was canceled because of the heavy rain.


3. Because there was a big earthquake, many houses were destroyed.

Because of the big earthquake, many houses were destroyed.



2. N + who/which/that + V... → N + V-ing...





1. LOHAS has become a term which/that describes a healthy and earth-friendly lifestyle.

→LOHAS has become a term describing a healthy and earth-friendly lifestyle.


2. Do you know the man who/that sits over there?

→Do you know the man sitting over there? (你認識坐在那邊的那個男子嗎?)

3. The little cat which/that is walking toward us looks cute.

→The little cat walking toward us looks cute.



3. what = the thing(s) which/that


1. what在此為複合關係代名詞,可作主詞、受詞或補語,表示「非特定的事物」,等同於the thing(s) which/that。複合關係代名詞兼具先行詞和關係代名詞的作用,相當於「先行詞 + 關係代名詞」。

2. 注意,當what作為主詞引導名詞子句時,須視為單數,後接單數動詞。



1. What the student does is an example of LOHAS.

The things which/that the student does are an example of LOHAS.


2. Cathy happily showed me what she bought today.

→Cathy happily showed me the thing(s) which/that she bought today.

(Cathy 開心地向我展示她今天買的東西。)

3. I don’t think what Eric said was right.

→I don’t think the thing which/that Eric said was right.

(我不認為Eric 說的事情是對的。)


4. N-Adj


此為「名詞 + 形容詞」所構成的複合形容詞。複合形容詞是由兩種或兩種以上獨立的字組合而成的形容詞,這些字之間通常會加上連字號(-­)。複合形容詞有非常多種,以下概列九種常見的組合:

1. N + V-ingtime-consuming (耗費時間的)peace-loving (愛好和平的)

2. N + Vpphandmade (手工的)man-caused (人為的)

3. N + Adjworld-famous (世界聞名的)fat-free (不含脂肪的)

4. Adj + V-inggood-looking (好看的)sweet-smelling (香氣迷人的)

5. Adj + Vppnewborn (新生的)red-dyed (染成紅色的)

6. Adv + V-ingfast-moving (快速的)long-lasting (持久的)

7. Adv + Vppcarefully-made (仔細製作的)well-known (知名的)

8. Adj + N-edgood-hearted (好心腸的)middle-aged (中年的)

9. 數量詞 + 單數名詞:名詞多為時間、價值、長度等的數值,ten-minute (十分鐘的)five-story (五層樓的)



1. We can all become earth-friendly people by living a LOHAS lifestyle.


2. Hans Christian Andersen has been considered a world-famous writer of children’s stories. (安徒生被視為一位舉世聞名的兒童故事作家。)

3. Olivia is on a diet, so she only drinks fat-free milk.

(Olivia 正在節食,所以她只喝脫脂牛奶。)


5. S + V + rather than + N/V...
→ S + V + instead of + N/V-ing...


1. rather thaninstead of均為「而不是……」或「代替……」的意思,不過rather than後面須接原形動詞,instead of則須接現在分詞。

2. instead of也可以副詞instead替代,instead表示「反而,作為替代」的意思,可置於句首或句尾;置於句首時,需以逗號與句子隔開。要注意的是,instead所接的句子表示「有去做的事情」,而instead of接的句子則意味著「沒有去做的事情」。



1. We take the stairs rather than elevators, so we can save more electricity.

We take the stairs instead of elevators, so we can save more electricity.


2. We can walk or take a bus rather than ride a scooter.

→We can walk or take a bus instead of riding a scooter.


3. We use our own shopping bags instead of using the paper or plastic bags from the store.

→We don’t use the paper or plastic bags from the store. Instead, we use our own shopping bags.

→We don’t use the paper or plastic bags from the store. We use our own shopping bags instead.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. I don’t know _____ Jerry is talking about now.

(A) which                 (B) what                   (C) that                    (D) the thing

( ) 2. The girl _____ beautifully on the stage is my younger sister.

(A) dances                         (B) dancing

(C) is dancing                        (D) who dancing

( ) 3. We decided to watch a movie instead of _____ shopping.

(A) go                      (B) went                   (C) going                 (D) to go

( ) 4. Andy’s mother got angry with him _____ his bad behavior.

(A) because              (B) instead               (C) because of          (D) rather than

( ) 5. Owen took a _____ bus ride to the airport.

(A) forty minutes                                      (B) forty minute

(C) forty-minutes                                     (D) forty-minute


II. 配合題:從下列框中選出最適當的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ...ask for others’ help.
(B) ...the blue one.
(C) ...she wanted to buy some fruit.
(D) ...beginning at 2 p.m.
(E) ...she needed for tonight’s dinner.

_____ 1. I have a history class...

_____ 2. Roy chose the pink shirt instead of...

_____ 3. Zoe went to the supermarket after lunch because...

_____ 4. Sisley tried to fix her computer by herself rather than...

_____ 5. Allen called her mother to ask what...


III. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ___________ 1. The little bird fell from the tree got hurt badly.

(A)               (B) (C)

( ) ____________ 2. Ben was sent to the hospital because of he had a high fever (

                                                (A)  (B)             (C)


( ) ____________ 3. I have bought a pair of handmaking shoes that cost me much

                                                                                 (A)         (B) (C)


( ) ____________ 4. Jerry is too sleepy to focus on which the teacher is

                                                 (A)        (B)      (C)

teaching in class.

( ) ____________ 5. Vera prefers not to eat out on weekends. She usually cooks her

                                                                 (A)    (B)

own meals at home instead of.



IV. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. Terry 累得不想說話。他現在需要的是睡個好覺。

Terry is too tired to talk. ____________ ____________ ____________ he needs now is a good sleep.

2. Sophia 沒有因為我犯的錯誤而對我生氣,她反而再次耐心地教導我。

Sophia didn’t get angry with me ____________ ____________ my mistakes. ____________, she patiently taught me again.

3. 那個正坐在樹下的男人是個長相好看的人。

That man ____________ under the tree is a g____________ guy.

4. Elaine 覺得我們明天可以去騎腳踏車,而不是整天待在家裡。

Elaine thinks that we can go bicycling tomorrow i____________ ____________ ____________ at home all day long.

5. Berry 總在早上喝一杯濃縮咖啡,因為這種含有較多咖啡因的咖啡能讓他迅速清醒。

Berry always drinks a cup of espresso in the morning ____________ this kind of coffee ____________ ____________ more caffeine can soon wake him up.


