2021年8月16日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 2.1



1. make/let/have + O + V


1. makelet以及have皆為使役動詞,當其受詞為「主動發出動作者」,後面須接原形動詞。

2. 另外,使役動詞get在接上受詞之後則必須以不定詞(to V)或動名詞(V-ing)來表示,即“get + O + to V/V-ing,受詞亦為「主動發出動作者」。



1. My mom’s phone call made me realize that committing suicide was not the answer. (我媽媽的來電讓我了解到自殺不是解答。)

2. Mr. Laurence had his daughter clean her own room.

3. Gina made me wash the car for her.
→ Gina got me to wash/washing the car for her.


2. S + had + Vpp


1. 此句型為「過去完成式」,用來表示「過去某一時刻為止已完成的動作或狀態」或「比過去某個時間某個動作更早完成的動作或狀態」,常與「by + 時間」或「when/ before/after/by the time」等連用。

2. 當表示比另一個在過去時間裡還早完成的動作時,較早發生或完成的動作須用「過去完成式」,而較晚的動作則用「過去簡單式」。

3. 句子中若有表時間的連接詞beforeafter時,可只用過去式,因為此兩連接詞已表達了發生時間的先後順序。



1. I couldn’t figure out why my friend had done this to me.

2. Clark had already found a job by the time he graduated from college.

3. Henry and I had met each other once at a meeting before.


3. except (+ for) + N        除了……之外


1. except for置於句首時,for不可省略。

2. except for置於句中時,若前後所指同為人或同一類的事物時,for常省略不用,且在此情況下,前面通常會有all, every, any, no one, everything, anybody, nowhere等總括性的字詞。然而,若前後詞組所指並非屬於相同的類別,for則不可省略。

3. except forbesides均作「除了……之外」解;然而,except for用來表達「所說的人或事物不包含在內」的意思,besides則表示「所說的人或事物有包含在內」的意思。



1. No one talked to me except (for)one girl.
Except for one girl, no one talked to me.

2. The playground is empty except for a few children.

3. Except for Alex, everyone in the classroom is quiet.

Besides Alex, everyone in the classroom is quiet. 


4. so...that...





1. When meeting my old friend on the street, I was so happy that I invited her to see a movie with me.

2. Jim always speaks so fast that I can hardly understand him.

3. Carrie was so sad that she couldn’t eat anything.
→ Carrie was in such a sad mood that she couldn’t eat anything.


5. not...anymore      不再……


1. not...anymore = not...any longer,表示「不再……」或「再也不……」的意思。此句型中的not放在be動詞或助動詞之後。

2. 亦可將“not...anymore”換成“no longer”置於句中。



1. After the fight, my friend told me that she didn’t want to be my friend anymore.


2. We will not go shopping in that store anymore because it always sells bad products.  (我們不會再去那家商店購物,因為那裡總是賣劣質產品。)

3. The family do not live here anymore. They moved away last year.
→ The family no longer live here. They moved away last year.




I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. Grandma makes Irene _____ the flowers every day.
(A) water
        (B) waters        (C) watering               (D) to water

( ) 2. Laura sang the song so well _____ everyone asked her to sing one more song.
(A) which               (B) when                   (C) that                     (D) but

( ) 3. Debbie looked like a totally different person because she _____ at least 30 kilograms.
(A) loses                 (B) had lost               (C) has lost               (D) was losing

( ) 4. Jenny has not eaten anything except _____ a bowl of salad.
(A) that                  (B) with                    (C) of                        (D) ×

( ) 5. After eating the whole pizza by myself, I can _____ eat anything.
(A) anymore          (B) any longer          (C) no longer            (D) not anymore

( ) 6. I _____ any of Picasso’s paintings before I visited the museum.
(A) was
never seeing                               (B) has never seen
(C) had never seen                                   (D) never see

( ) 7. It is _____ cold that I only want to stay in bed.
(A) so                     (B) such                    (C) very                    (D) ×

( ) 8. Money is not a problem _____ after Erin has gotten a well--paid job.
(A) longer              (B) a
nymore             (C) no longer            (D) anywhere

( ) 9. Except _____ Richard, everyone was punished for being late.
(A) of                     (B) that                     (C) for                       (D) ×

( ) 10. Amber always has her son _____ the dishes before he goes out to play.

(A) to do               (B) doing                  (C) does                    (D) do


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. Emma stopped her car to let the old man to cross the street.

                          (A)        (B)             (C)

( ) ____________ 2. I had so a great time in Italy that I wanted to go there again.

                                             (A)   (B)                      (C)

( ) ____________ 3. I have to get you to leave. You cannot stay here no longer.

                                  (A)        (B)            (C)

( ) ____________ 4. Besides Norah, no one in her family would like to see the

                    (A)              (B)                  (C)

movie. Only Norah wants to see it.

( ) ____________ 5. When I got up, I found that Zoe went to work. She let me sleep

                                 (A)         (B)                  (C)

till noon.


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 這本書實在太棒了,以至於我已經看了至少有五次。

   The book is ____________ good ____________ I’ve read it for at least five times.

2. 當我今早起床時,我爸爸已經去上班了。

   When I ____________ up this morning, my father ____________ already ____________ out.

3. 除了James要上班之外,昨天全家人都放假。

  Everyone in the family had a day off yesterday ____________ James.

4. Lydia要我告訴她發生了什麼事。

  Lydia made me ____________ her what ____________ ____________.

5. 在大地震之後,那家戲院就不再營業了。

   After the big earthquake, the theater is ____________ open for business ____________.


