2021年8月12日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 3.8


1. Some.... Others.... Still others....一些……。一些……。還有些……。


1. 此句型為不定代名詞的用法,當指稱對象眾多時,只提出其中的三組來說明。

2. 如果只將群體分成兩組來說明時,則可用“Some of the N..., and the others....”表限定對象的用法。


1. Good slogans can remain in people's memories for decades. Some are creative. Others are persuasive. Still others are funny.


2. There are many people at the airport. Some are waiting for their flight. Others are waiting to be picked up. Still others are seeing their friends off.


3. Some of the books are interesting, and the others are boring.


2. have/make + O + Vpp


1.     havemake在此句型中為「使役動詞」,屬於不完全及物動詞,受詞之後必須加上受詞補語,才能使語意完整。

2. 當使役動詞havemake之後的受詞為「被動接受動作者」的時候,後面必須接過去分詞(Vpp)來當作受詞補語。


1. People have flowers sent for many reasons.  (人們為了許多理由送花。)

2. The careless boy had all his pocket money stolen yesterday.

3.For the trip, Grace has had her car checked in advance.



3. N + V-ing/Vpp/Adj N + who/which/that + V/be Vpp/be Adj


1. 此為關係代名詞在關係子句中為主格時,用作為補充說明先行詞(N),省略關係代名詞及動詞型態的延伸句型。

2.在用法中,關係子句中的whowhichthat可以省略,但動詞部分必須隨之變化:表主動的V改成V-ing;表被動的be Vpp省略be留下Vpp;使用形容詞的be Adj時,則省略be留下Adj


1. In the 1980s, the staff working for Nike had a problem.

In the 1980s, the staff who/that worked for Nike had a problem.


2.This is an ad having an important message about the product.

This is an ad which has an important message about the product.


3.The river rich in fish is badly polluted now.

The river which was rich in fish is badly polluted now.



4. S + help (+ O) (+ to) V


help之後可加受詞或不定詞(to V),但不定詞to Vto可省略,形成S + help + O + V;此外,help之後也可以不加受詞及省略不定詞的to而形成S + help + V


1. The slogan helped make Nike a big international company.


2. Many women doubt whether this cosmetic product can help improve their appearance. 

3. I'm trying to find a way to help Bruce solve his problem.



5. S + give + sb (IO) + sth (DO)

S + give + sth (DO) + to + sb (IO)


1. 此句型為「授與動詞」give的用法。授與動詞屬於及物動詞的一種,有兩個受詞(O)。一個是給予的「物」,為直接受詞(DO);另一個給予的「對象」,為間接受詞(IO)

2. 授與動詞give可以先加間接受詞,再加上直接受詞。但授與動詞若先加上直接受詞時,就必須在間接受詞前使用介系詞(Prep)

3. 常見授與動詞及搭配的介系詞如下:

(1)bring/lend/sell/send/show/teach/tell + DO + to + IO

(2)bring/buy/get/make + DO + for + IO

4. 如果直接受詞(DO)是代名詞,如itthem時,必須先以代名詞加上介系詞,再加間接受詞(IO)的方式呈現。


1. The news network always gives its audience the latest news.

The news network always gives the latest news to its audience.


2. Would you please lend me your dictionary?

Would you please lend your dictionary to me?  


3. Linda's sister forgot her books at home. Linda brought them for her sister. 




I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. Kate made the table _____ with a blue cloth.

     (A) cover             (B) covering          (C) covered           (D) to cover

( ) 2. Please bought some milk and fruit _____ on your way home.

     (A) for               (B) to me            (C) for me            (D) to

( ) 3.The man _____ his dog three weeks ago is still looking for it now.

     (A) has lost          (B) loses               (C) lost               (D) losing

( ) 4. Different stories have different endings. _____ are sad. _____ are happy.

      _____ may have some lessons to learn.

     (A) One; Some; Others               (B) Some; Others: Still others 

(C) One; Another; The others          (D) One; Some; Others

( ) 5. Leon will come to _____ fix my brother's bicycle this Sunday.

     (A) have              (B) make               (C) help                 (D) give

( ) 6. There are fifty books on the desk. _____ are about health, and ___ are about sports.

     (A) Some; some                  (B) Some; still others 

(C) Some; others                 (D) Some; the others

( ) 7.Peter _____ his new watch _____ his classmate in the class.

     (A) lent; for         (B) gave; for         (C) showed; to   (D) bought; to

( ) 8.I helped an old lady _____ the road this morning.

     (A) crosses         (B) crossed             (C) crossing          (D) cross

( ) 9.Tony _____ his homework _____ in a short time so that he could go out with Jane.

     (A) had; done      (B) had; do          (C) got; doing       (D) got; to do

( )10.The cookies _____ in this shop are said to be not only healthy but also delicious.

     (A) have produced (B) produced        (C) producing       (D) having produced


II. 配合題:從下列框中選出最適當的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ...to her boyfriend on his birthday.

(B) ...lead a happy life.

(C) ...fitting you well when exercising.

(D) ...its products sold all over the world.

(E) ...and the others are short.

_____ 1. The bicycle company has...

_____ 2. You should wear sneakers...

_____ 3. Some of the students are tall, ...

_____ 4. Winnie gave some chocolate...

_____ 5. The government should help its people...


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。


Oliver _____ his bicycle _____ yesterday morning.


Prometheus _____ _____ many gifts.

Prometheus _____ many gifts _____ _____.


The girl _____ in a pink T­shirt is said to be Ken's girlfriend.


Among the 20 people, _____ have decided to join the trip, and _____ _____ haven't made the final decision.


Many volunteers _____ local people _____ their houses after the typhoon.


