2021年8月19日 星期四

4 in 1 Reading Comprehension Unit 4


Unit 04

I. 綜合測驗

The Metamorphosis, a famous novel by Franz Kafka, describes a story of a man transformed into an ugly beetle. Gregor Samsa, a salesperson, got up one morning to find that he had become a giant beetle. _1._ his family, he pretended to be sick and confined himself to his bedroom. However, as his family forced his bedroom door open, they were shocked at what they saw. Gregor's mother fainted at the sight of him because it had never _2._ her that her dear son should have become a hideous monster.

While the entire family was troubled and disgusted by Gregor's frightening appearance, his sister, Grete, secretly brought him food. However, Gregor no longer felt interested in the food he used to enjoy. _3._, he took great delight in the rotting food scraps. His behaviors had become so abnormal and scary that his family grew tired of him and secretly wished for his death.

The story ends as Gregor eventually died in loneliness. His family, who had moved to a smaller house because of their extra _4._ spent on Gregor, felt a sense of relief. They thought that if Gregor had not become a horrifying beetle, their family _5._ a better life. Their indifferent attitudes to Gregor's death in a way add sadness to the ending and invite the issue of humanity and morality for readers to ponder over.

(  ) 1. (A) Not scaring   (B) Not scared             (C) To scare not           (D) Not to scare

(  ) 2. (A) come across   (B) occurred to            (C) counted on            (D) happened to

(  ) 3. (A) Hence            (B) Likewise               (C) Instead                  (D) Supposedly

(  ) 4. (A) expenses        (B) benefits                 (C) incomes                 (D) charges

(  ) 5. (A) can have        (B) must live               (C) had lived               (D) could have had



就第1.題來說,後面有一完整子句,先判斷該題對後面的句子來說有無目的性,若有擇選不定詞片語(to + VR)形式;若沒有則可能就是分詞構句,此時就以主要句子的主詞來判斷,若動詞對它來說是主動,則選用現在分詞,若是被動,則選過去分詞。


It + occurred to / dawned on / struck + sb. that + S + V...  某人突然想到瞬間領悟

說明:這個句型也可以說 It crossed / came across / flashed into / flashed through one's mind that + S + V...或是sb. hit upon an idea that…

à After I watched the film about bees, it occurred to / dawned on / struck me that I could write an essay about behavior.

II. 綜合測驗

Fear is a common emotion that we all have. It is caused by a specific stimulus, which can be a horrible object right in front of us or an unknown situation in the future. If that fear is so _1._ as to affect our behavior and life, it is called a phobia. Some phobias are pretty common and understandable, such as arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, or acrophobia, the fear of heights, _2._ others are rare, such as somniphobia, which means feeling afraid of falling asleep. _3._, those uncommon, strange phobias are more or less present among us though we are not aware of them because they pose no threat to our life.

Upon seeing a subject of dread, people suffering from phobias may have an uneasy feeling, _4._ some physical reactions like fast shallow breath, pounding heartbeat sweating and feeling like vomiting. Seeing what causes them to fear, they are often so scared that their blood runs cold or they have _5._. When people's phobias have seriously affected their life, it is necessary that they consult a psychiatrist.

(  ) 1. (A) current           (B intense                    (C) stable                     (D) familiar

(  ) 2. (A) once              (B) when                     (C) since                      (D) while

(  ) 3. (A) Surprisingly  (B) Fortunately            (C) Originally              (D) Particularly

(  ) 4. (A) along with     (B) except for              (C) on the basis of       (D) by means of

(  ) 5. (A) the cherry on the cake                       (B) the apple in their eye

(C) butterflies in their stomach                (D) all the eggs in one basket


It is + necessary / essential / important / urgent + that + S + (should) + VR…  有必要、重要、很緊急


à It is necessary that the government (should) take measures to solve the pollution problem.

à It is urgent that the injured (should) be sent to the hospital immediately.

III. 文意選填

Ever since the release of the movie Truman Show, some audiences have taken delight in peeping into others' life. Jade Goody from London was one of the _1._ names in an English reality-television show, and she enjoyed being under the spotlight. Making her first _2._ in a British program Big Brother in 2002, she became a celebrity in the TV industry, and was famous for being blunt and straightforward. However, her popularity _3._ when she attacked an Indian actress Shilpa Shetty, and acted like a racist. Because of this, she was forced to leave the show and even to hold a press _4._ to apologize to the public.

Later in 2008, Jade Goody fell ill because of a(n) _5._ while she was still in another reality television show. The illness turned out to be cervical cancer after further examinations. Her cancer was aggressive and _6._. In that case, she had no choice but to have big surgery, _7._ a series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Controversy about her was _8._ again as she started to shoot a reality-television documentary, Living with Jade Goody. She was _9._ of selling her own death, but she couldn't care less. She needed to make a fortune for her two sons. Finally, the day came when she was pronounced terminally ill. Though devastated, she made a will and drew up _10._ plans for caring her two sons. She died at age 27, and her death was reported in various British media as was expected.

(A) dropped       (B) stirred up      (C) accused        (D) appearance   (E) conference

(F) household     (G) detailed        (H) infection       (I) followed by   (J) life-threatening

1. _____                    2. _____                    3. _____                    4. _____                    5. _____

6. _____                    7. _____                    8. _____                    9. _____                    10. _____


have no choice but to / cannot choose but + VR…  不得不

說明:此句型表示別無選擇只能做某事。cannot help + V-ing cannot (help) but+VR S

à Because there was no bus late at night, I had no choice but to walk home.

= Because there was no bus late at night, I couldn't choose but walk home.

à Hearing the bad news, the mother couldn't help crying.

= Hearing the bad news, the mother couldn't (help) but cry.

IV. 篇章結構

Technology has been used in many ways, most noticeably in saving lives at critical moments. It is often hoped that victims can be saved in time when disasters strike. Two U.S. government agencies, the Department of Homeland Security and NASA, have noticed that the fate of the victims mostly depends on how fast they are rescued. ___1.___ Victims who are unable to crawl out of the wreckage or fail to let rescuers know their location are likely to be doomed. So the two government agencies decided to work together and design a high-tech device to locate the victims trapped in a collapsed building.

___2.___ With this equipment, a victim's slightest movement or a heartbeat can be detected. The theory is that FINDER sends out microwave signals, which go in and hit the rubble and debris. ___3.___ As the victim moves, FINDER can locate the human body by analyzing the signal reflection data. When the victim breathes or his / her heart beats, the skin moves a little bit, which FINDER will not miss. ___4.___ Hopefully, it will save lots of lives in the future.

(A) They soon created a new device, called FINDER, the short form for Finding Individuals for Disaster and Emergency Response.

(B) When a building crumbles down, the clock is ticking.

(C) Some of the signals may go further in, hit the victim deep inside and bounce back.

(D) Several pilot tests have proven that FINDER is indeed an efficient tool to find survivors in an accident.

1. _____                          2. _____                          3. _____                           4. _____


S1 + be + that + S2 + V...  that引導名詞子句當補語


à [That honesty is the best policy] is undeniable. (當主詞)

à My father always tells me [(that) time is money]. (當受詞)

à The point is [that humans will suffer if we don't protect the environment]. (當主詞補語)

à Kelly cannot accept the fact [that her boyfriend is dead]. (當同位語)

V. 閱讀測驗

You'd never know what it is just from looking. The new bright orange schoolhouse in Granados, Guatemala has walls built with used plastic bottles --- and so much other plastic waste that the team who built it had to go to the neighboring villages to collect waste because they used up all the trash of their own. Peace Corps volunteer Laura Kutner was inspired to start the project because of the plastic trash that she noticed everywhere in Guatemala, and because schools had classrooms with no walls. Therefore, she borrowed the idea of using bottles as a construction material from a magazine, and with materials and labor from local businesses as well as help from an organization called "Hug it Forward," they set to work.

The team filled individual bottles with plastic grocery bags, chip bags, and other waste they had collected, and after placing the bottles inside metal fencing for shape, they used trash again to fill spaces between the fencing and the bottles. "We needed a lot of plastic trash," said Laura --- "if the empty spaces hadn't been stuffed with trash, the wall would have been ill-shaped when we threw the cement on. We used so much trash that we could not find anymore in the town and had to go to the neighboring villages to get some of theirs. It was awesome!"

After the fencing was stuffed with waste, three layers of cement were placed on each side ----- creating the look and stability of any regular wall. Essentially, the bottles just served as insulation.

Laura called the project truly the perfect example of a team effort. "If the entire town had not participated, it would not have happened!" said Laura.

(  ) 1. What is the article mainly about?

(A) An orange schoolhouse that is totally built with plastic bottles.

(B) A lady's brilliant idea that benefits the environment and the community.

(C) The serious trash pollution and lack of resources in Guatemala.

(D) Two volunteering groups, "Peace Corps" and "Hug It Forward."

(  ) 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the article about the building project?

(A) Building materials.                          (B) Days of construction.

(C) Purpose of construction.                  (D) Participants.

(  ) 3. Which of the following is the correct order of materials used in constructing the walls mentioned in the reading?

(A) plastic waste→metal fencing→bottles with plastic→cement

(B) bottles with plastic→metal fencing→cement→plastic waste

(C) cement→bottles with plastic→plastic waste→metal fencing

(D) metal fencing→bottles with plastic→plastic waste→cement

(  ) 4. What can we infer from the article?

(A) The building materials of the schoolhouse came from several villages.

(B) Laura Kutner is a schoolteacher in Granados, Guatemala.

(C) Had it not been for the financial support from around the world, the project wouldn't have been completed.

(D) The metal fencing was also made of recycled material from the town and the neighboring villages.


S + be / V + so + adj. / adv. // be / V + such + N + that + S + V…  如此以至於

說明:此句型中,若用so後面要接形容詞或副詞,若用such後面要接名詞,另外,也可以說so + adj. + a + N (這種用法名詞只能用單數)

à She is so beautiful that every man wants to marry her.

= She is such a beautiful lady that every man wants to marry her.

= She is so beautiful a lady that every man wants to marry her.

VI. 閱讀測驗

Who hasn't used a BAND-AID? In a world full of cuts, scrapes, blisters and bruises, it seems hard to imagine life without those little adhesive bandages.

Of course, there have always been cuts and scrapes, but there haven't always been adhesive bandages. This fact was painfully clear to a young housewife named Josephine Dickson.

Back in 1920, this newlywed was living in New Brunswick, New Jersey, with her husband Earle. Though married life agreed with her, housekeeping did not. It was not that she didn't try. When Earle came home from his job as a cotton buyer at Johnson & Johnson, Josephine would always have dinner ready on the table. Unfortunately, she'd also have several cuts or burns on her fingers. Without an adhesive bandage, Josephine had no easy way of bandaging her own cuts. Earle had to cut pieces of adhesive tape and cotton gauze and make a bandage for each wound. This happened day after day, and day after day Josephine needed more bandages. They were in a real bind.

Finally, after several weeks of kitchen accidents, Earle hit upon an idea. (Luckily, his idea was not to go out and hire a cook.) Earle sat down and prepared some ready-made bandages by placing squares of cotton gauze at intervals along an adhesive strip and covering them with crinoline. Now all Josephine had to do was cut off a length of the strip and wrap it over her cut. In a way, it was a housewife that was responsible for the invention of the BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandage.

Earle told his boss at work about his new invention and soon the first adhesive bandages were being produced and sold under the world famous BAND-AID trademark. Earle was eventually rewarded with a position as Vice President in the company, where he stayed until his retirement. As for Josephine, history did not record whether she ever mastered the art of accident-free cooking. But we do know she had plenty of BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages available just in case. Earle Dickson may not have realized what a cutting-edge product he had invented, but it certainly stuck around.

(  ) 1. What is the main purpose of this article?

(A) To teach people how to avoid kitchen accidents by using BAND-AIDS.

(B) To detail the genuine story behind the invention of BAND-AIDS.

(C) To record the manufacturing process of BAND-AIDS and how it was accepted by people.

(D) To show how silly ideas can eventually lead to great inventions.

(  ) 2. What is the writer's tone in this article?

(A) Serious.                (B) Harsh.                 (C) Humorous.            (D) Romantic.

(  ) 3. What does the author mean by saying "Though married life agreed with her, housekeeping did not."?

(A) Earle did not allow Josephine to do housework, and their marriage life was not happy.

(B) Josephine had a terrible marriage but she could keep the house very well.

(C) Josephine failed to keep house well and it was why their marriage wasn't approved by others.

(D) Earle and Josephine lived happily together, but Josephine had problems doing housework.

(  ) 4. Which one of the following is true after BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages were invented?

(A) Earle was appreciated by his boss, and he got a promotion.

(B) Josephine never cut her fingers again when cooking.

(C) Earle eventually owned the company and stayed there until he retired.

(D) People would not use adhesive tape and cotton gauze anymore.


It is... that...  (表強調的分裂句)


à It was your words of encouragement that made me become who I am today.

à John killed Mary with his bare hands last night.

= It was John that/who killed Mary with his bare hands last night. (強調主詞)

= It was Mary that/who John killed with his bare hands last night. (強調受詞)

= It was with his bare hands that John killed Mary last night. (強調介系詞片語)

= It was last night that John killed Mary with his bare hands. (強調時間副詞)

VII. 混合題型

Apart from quinine, which is one ingredient in tonic water, caffeine is another common drug that people take on a daily basis. The appeal of this drug shows no sign of slowing down as drinking coffee has caught on and become many people's daily routine. However, too much caffeine may harm our health. It is suggested that one take in caffeine less than 400 milligrams (mg) a day. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) advises pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers to be very careful with caffeine. However, there is no safe amount of caffeine consumption for children in DGA.

The amount of caffeine in coffee or tea varies a lot. Many factors may affect the actual caffeine content. For example, the longer the brewing time, the more caffeine. The hotter the water, the more caffeine. Yet, the best temperature is around 90° C, since water that is too hot may cause a loss of quality and taste. Other factors include origins of coffee beans, processing methods as well as the grind size.

A lot of coffee drinkers become ill-tempered and drowsy or even suffer from headaches and loss of sleep when they stop drinking coffee. Yet, the effects of caffeine on the human body are not totally negative as a large number of studies have important findings about the benefits of drinking coffee. The following chart of caffeine content in popular beverages and foods can be used as a guide to control the amount of caffeine consumption. Drink sizes are in fluid ounces (oz.) mostly. Caffeine is shown in milligrams (mg).

Serving Size                           Caffeine (mg)


Starbucks Coffee, Blonde Roast                                    16 oz.                                     300

Mama Mia Espresso                                                       0.8 oz.                                    75

Maxwell House Decaf Ground Coffee                     1 Tbs. or 6 oz.                               1-5


Yellow Lemon Tea                                                         16 oz.                                     37

Herbal tea, brewed                                                         8 oz.                                       0

Soft Drinks

Pepsi Zero Sugar                                                            20 oz.                                     115

Diet Coke                                                                       12 oz.                                     46

Energy Drinks

Splash Energy                                                                16 oz.                                     300

Red Bull                                                                         8.4 oz.                                    80

Caffeinated Snack

Awake Energy Granola                                                  1 bar, 40 g                              100

Chi Energy Chews --- Strawberry                                  4 chews                                  20

Ice Cream or Yogurt

Bang!! Caffeinated Ice Cream                                        4 oz.                                       125

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream                                      4 oz.                                       29

Athena Café Latte Greek Yogurt                                    5.3 oz.                                    0.1

(  ) 1. What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) There are different ways to quit drinking coffee.

(B) Most people do not know that drinking coffee is good for health.

(C) We should be aware of the caffeine contained in drinks and foods.

(D) Children as well as breast-feeding mothers should avoid having caffeine.

2. What happens to people who have drunk coffee for long when they suddenly stop drinking it?


3. Finish the line graph according to the information about the relation between water temperature and caffeine amount.


(  ) 4. Dana is a pregnant woman. Which of the following combination (one serving each) is a better choice for her to have?

(A) Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream, Chi Energy Chews --- Strawberry and Yellow Lemon Tea.

(B) Starbucks Coffee, Blonde Roast, Pepsi Zero Sugar, and Bang!! Caffeinated Ice Cream.

(C) Maxwell House Decaf Ground Coffee, Chi Energy Chews --- Strawberry, and Athena Café Latte Greek Yogurt.

(D) Mama Mia Espresso, Splash Energy, and Bang!! Caffeinated Ice Cream.



a (large / great) number of / (large) numbers of / many / quite a few + Ns  (many a + N)

a (large / great) amount of / (large) amounts of / a great deal of / much + N(U)

a lot of / lots of / plenty of / a large quantity of + Ns / N

注意:a great number of 是「許多」的意思,後面接複數名詞及複數動詞;而the number of…只是「數目字」的意思,後面接單數動詞。

à A great number of lectures will be held to get students acquainted with literature.

à Harry has invested a great deal of money in the restaurant. Of course, he hopes it is crowded with plenty of customers every night.

Practice 4


(  ) 1. Your son spat in another kid's face. This kind of _____ is absolutely not acceptable in my classroom.

(A) behavior               (B) signal                  (C) object             (D) emergency

(  ) 2. The writer's latest book will be _____ in every bookstore in town next week. You can go buy a copy if you're interested.

(A) critical                  (B) individual            (C) available         (D) specific

(  ) 3. Helen Keller's story has _____ many physically-challenged people to hold on to their dreams.

(A) rescued                 (B) consulted            (C) participated     (D) inspired

(  ) 4. Narcissus, a beautiful young man in Greek mythology, madly fell in love with his own _____ in the water and was drowned to death.

(A) ingredient             (B) reflection             (C) content           (D) bandage

(  ) 5. When I say "hello" to Billy, he _____ that he doesn't hear me and walks past me as if I were invisible.

(A) analyzes               (B) pretends              (C) confines         (D) rewards


(A) just in case   (B) used up        (C) failed to        (D) made a fortune       (E) hit upon

(  ) 6. All the natural resources should be properly preserved lest they be _____ someday.

(  ) 7. It might rain today. You should bring an umbrella with you _____.

(  ) 8. The student who didn't pay attention in class _____ answer the question correctly; thus, he was punished by his teacher.


9. 他今早起得如此晚以至於他不得不搭計程車上學。(… so… that… / … have no choice...)


10. 正是因為Denise的美麗使得許多男人對她一見鍾情。(It is… that...)


