2021年8月3日 星期二

Reading Smart B: Test 27


Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (40%)         Name: _______________ Score: _________

(   ) 1. After much _____, Andrew decided to break up with his girlfriend of five years.

(A) consideration       (B) description            (C) recognition                                  (D) exaggeration

(   ) 2. Home to approximately 60 percent of the world's population, Asia _____ just 30 percent of the earth's land area.

(A) suffers from         (B) accounts for          (C) transfers to                                  (D) consists in

(   ) 3. One way to help your business become more _____ is to cut production costs.

(A) anxious                (B) defensive              (C) profitable                                  (D) influential

(   ) 4. The survival of the missing hikers will _____ their ability to find food, water, and shelter.

(A) attend to              (B) result in                 (C) fit into                                  (D) depend on

(   ) 5. Sally prefers to buy _____ fruits and vegetables over flawless ones because she thinks they taste better.

(A) looked-imperfect                                     (B) imperfect-looking

(C) looking-imperfectly                                (D) imperfectly-looked

(   ) 6. As we don't own any furniture, we _____ rent a furnished apartment.

(A) have looked to     (B) looked to               (C) are looking to                                  (D) were looking to

(   ) 7. The man hopes that one of his children will _____ the family business when he retires.

(A) drop off               (B) take over               (C) cheer                                  (D) serve as

(   ) 8. We are very satisfied with the service we have received at the hotel _____.

(A) so far                   (B) at once                  (C) from then on                                  (D) sooner or later

(   ) 9. The outdoor concert has been canceled _____ the heavy rain.

(A) rather than           (B) due to                    (C) even though                                  (D) along with

(   ) 10. No matter what he did, Gordon couldn't get his idea _____ to the other members of the board.

(A) beneath                (B) beyond                  (C) along                                  (D) across

Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%)

(A) declined        (B) digital          (C) improper             (D) fate                                    (E) leftovers

(F) harvest           (G) communicates (H) offended         (I) embarrassment (J) abbreviations

(   ) 11. Samantha _____ our offer of help, for she preferred to do things by herself.

(   ) 12. Ryan asked the waiter to wrap up their _____ before he brought them the bill.

(   ) 13. Alyssa is not able to speak, so she _____ via sign language.

(   ) 14. A(n) _____ sign on the side of the road showed the speed of passing cars.

(   ) 15. Jack couldn't hide his _____ when he was told his fly was open.

(   ) 16. With a typhoon fast approaching, farmers are out trying to _____ as many crops as they can.

(   ) 17. The _____ for mister and missus are Mr. and Mrs., respectively.

(   ) 18. Amy was _____ by her friend's comment about her being as dumb as a doorknob.

(   ) 19. The _____ of the passengers on that missing aircraft is still unknown.

(   ) 20. The official was forced to resign because of his _____ handling of the finances.

Part III. Cloze Test (20%)

The world is in trouble. It may not have enough food to feed every mouth on the planet. Sadly, part of the reason is that _(21)_ two billion tons of food is tossed out in the trash each year. Some of it comes from the production process. Specifically, produce that is damaged or appears less than perfect is thrown away because most supermarkets won't take them. Furthermore, food is lost to pests, from poor storage practices, and during _(22)_.

However, the worst offenders are consumers and food providers. In the United States alone, restaurants make up roughly 15 percent of all food waste. Markets don't help, either, when fruits, vegetables, and other goods that have gone bad on the shelves are thrown out. Let's not forget the average person. They add to the waste through bad meal planning, which results in food being left to _(23)_ in the refrigerator rather than being served for dinner. Speaking of dinner, not everyone cleans their plates, so the food that doesn't get eaten ends up _(24)_ tossed away.

All this is very shocking and wasteful, _(25)_ that around one billion people worldwide hungry each day. Worse yet, every one of them could be fed with less than 25 percent of the food that is wasted in Europe and the United States combined. This kind of waste really needs to stop.

(   ) 21. (A) such as               (B) other than              (C) as much as                                               (D) a number of

(   ) 22. (A) surgery              (B) employment          (C) parade                                               (D) transportation

(   ) 23. (A) slip                    (B) rot                         (C) starve                                               (D) blossom

(   ) 24. (A) being                 (B) be                          (C) to be                                               (D) be to

(   ) 25. (A) considered         (B) to consider (C) considering                                               (D) considers

