2021年8月9日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 3.4


1. It + is/was + Adj + of + sb + to V....


1. 此句型中,真正的主詞是後面的「不定詞片語」(to V)it為虛主詞,代替原本過長的主詞。

2. 形容詞須用修飾「人格特質」的形容詞(Adj),如:rudesmartkindnice等。

3. 如果使用修飾「事物」的形容詞(Adj),如:easydifficultimportantdangerous等,後面要接for + sb


1. It was rude of me to have chosen this gift.   (我真是粗魯無禮,選了這個禮物。)

2. It was kind of Cindy to help me deal with the problem.  

3. It is dangerous for drivers to drive when they feel tired.


2. It + is/was + 被強調部分 + that....


1. 此句型有強調的作用,將要強調的部分放在It + bethat之間。

2. 強調的部分可使用名詞、副詞片語、副詞子句等。

3. 此句型中的that不可以省略。


1. In India, a gift of leather is offensive to Hindus.

In India, it is a gift of leather that is offensive to Hindus.


2.Many products can be ordered on the Internet nowadays.

It is on the Internet that many products can be ordered nowadays.


3.The game was put off because it rained heavily yesterday.

It was because it rained heavily yesterday that the game was put off.



3. be about to V...即將……,正要……


1.     在此句型中,to之後所接的動詞須為原形動詞,表「即將…,正要…」之意。

2.     另外be going to也有相同的意思。


1. In some cultures, giving knives as gifts implies that a relationship is about to be cut. 


2. The magic show is about to begin.  (這魔術表演即將開始。)

3. John was about to go to bed when I called him last night. 

4. Sb + be + Adj + to V....某人對……感到


1. 此句型須以人為主詞,且後面須接上表「情緒」的形容詞,如:glad/happysorryafraidsurprised/amazedexcited/thrilledworriedembarrassed等,用以表示「某人對某事的情緒」。

2. 另外此句型中的不定詞也有表示「原因、理由」之意。


1. My sister was embarrassed to discover that this family was a Muslim family.


2. Wendy is glad to know that her parents will take her to Japan.


3. Helena was surprised to find that the park was full of flowers.



5. ...N, + who/whom/which + 子句


1. 此句型為關係子句的「非限定用法」,關係代名詞whowhomwhich可當主詞(S)或受詞(O),引導形容詞子句,修飾或補充說明前方的先行詞/名詞(N)

2. 前方被修飾的名詞之後須加上逗號,且whowhomwhich不可以用that代替。

3. 此句型中被修飾的名詞通常是「唯一的」或「特殊的」。


1. Gifts for Chinese people are often wrapped in red, which is considered a lucky color. 

2. Helen Keller, who never gave up herself, finally became a great educator.

(Helen Keller,她從不放棄自己,最後成為偉大的教育家。)

3. Diana, whom we talked to last night, plans to travel in India.




I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. The airplane is about _____ take off. Please turn off your cell phone.

      (A) for     (B) to           (C) with        (D) on

( ) 2. _____ is when you make a big decision _____ you have to think twice.

     (A) What; so  (B) Which; than   (C) There; as   (D) It; that

( ) 3. It is useless _____ Tina _____ over the accident that has already happened.

     (A) for; cries  (B) of; cries     (C) of; to cry     (D) for; to cry

( ) 4. Collin was _____ his lost dog in front of the park.

     (A) thrilled finding  (B) thrilling finding  (C) thrilled to find   (D) thrilling to find

( ) 5. Elisa, _____ runs a new company, has been one of the greatest designers.

     (A) which    (B) who            (C) that                 (D) what

( ) 6. It is rude _____ Bruce _____ his father in public.

      (A) of; to offend   (B) of; offending   (C) for; offending  (D) for; to offend

( )7. We are _____ our neighbors that we are going to move next week.

     (A) to tell glad    (B) telling glad    (C) glad to tell    (D) glad telling

( ) 8. _____ in the duty-free shop _____ I bought the suitcase.

     (A) This was; that  (B) This is; there  (C) It was; that    (D) It is; there

( ) 9. Sun Moon Lake, _____ is called Wonder of Taiwan, stands in central Taiwan.

     (A) who          (B) whom        (C) which        (D) that

( )10. Sandy _____ leave when we arrived at the bus stop.

     (A) had been about to               (B) is about to  

(C) has been about to                (D) was about to

II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) _____ 1.It was Ted's car what broke down on the road this morning.
(A)            (B)  (C)      (D)

( ) _____ 2.Nantou, that was almost destroyed in a strong earthquake, has been rebuilt
(A)           (B)                       (C)  (D)

 for years.

( ) _____ 3.It was about raining when I arrived home last evening.
(A)        (B)    (C)    (D)

( ) _____ 4.It is thoughtful for Adam to take good care of his parents.

(A)         (B)       (C)           (D)

( ) _____ 5.Kim was amazing to see that a customer stole a bar of chocolate in the store.
(A)    (B)  (C)          (D)


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。


  Eddie _____ _____ _____ _____ his boss falling asleep in the meeting yesterday.


  _____ _____ this TV program _____ reflects misunderstanding and bias of the public.


  It is nice _____ you _____ _____ Bill useful advice.


  The train _____ _____ _____ leave when I arrived at the station.


  Lugu, _____ means “Deer Valley” in the local language, is a large green hill.



